Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Birthday to Connie!  One of our team members from a Raining Hope mission's trip is celebrating her 50th birthday on September 7, 2013.  She is asking in lieu of gifts to make donations to the children of Raining Hope!  Thank you, Connie for your generosity and your care for our children!

If you want to make a donation in honor of Connie's 50th birthday, please just note "Connie" and we will make sure she is informed of your gift.

This past summer, Katie who was one of my past ISP students, asked people to make a donation to Raining Hope in lieu of gifts for her 21st birthday.  Raining Hope is in the process of recording a musical cd of our children and their wonderful voices!   We need a total of $550 to complete that project.  Katie was able to raise $250 of the needed funds.  With that generous gift the children have recorded 3 of the 6 songs for the CD.  We will be using the CD for fundraising purposes.  We would also like to raise an additional $600 to record 2 music videos of the children.

Thanks to both Katie & Connie for their creativity in their support of Raining Hope!

Continue to pray for us!
mama eydie!