Monday, May 10, 2010

Uganda Children’s Team Update #2 – May 8, 2010

We have had a great first few days here in Uganda. We have been adjusting to the time and preparing for the upcoming weeks of ministry.

We start each morning with breakfast together and morning devotions with the staff of the hotel we are staying at. We have had an amazing time of worship, prayer & teaching from God’s Word. The team has commented how much they love the worship and the simplicity of the gospel message. In a 30 minute time frame, the Scripture is shared in a simple but powerful way. We all leave challenged to be committed followers of Christ as we begin our day together!

The first morning the team had time to organize and work on the materials for the Vacation Bible School projects. Most of our meals are going to be at Living Hope Children’s Home. Today, our manager of the home had to go purchase the food for our meals. So we ventured into town to eat lunch. While we waited for him to return we had some time to stop in the local shops that I normally frequent. They were able to get a taste of local life in town.

The highlight of the day came when we made our first visit to the children’s home. The team was so excited to finally arrive at the place we have been preparing to be in for the past 4 months. The children were ready and waiting with arms of love, huge smiles and warm greetings to the visitors. For me the words, “welcome home,” always melts my heart! The children have embraced the new team overwhelming them with the love of Christ. They have spent the last two days getting to know the children, playing games, singing songs & dancing too! Each night we have devotion time with them. We worship the Lord and then enter into a time of prayer. It is always so powerful for me to witness the fervent prayer of the children. They have already affected our team in the example they have set in what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ. Each team member was able to share on the first night a short testimony of God calling them to Uganda. Last night we shared our Team Covenant as we enter into a partnership with these children the next few weeks.

It is exciting to see how God is orchestrating our program (schedule) for the upcoming days. We have come open and willing to go where He tells us to go. We have had some shifting of the program as new opportunities have come up. It has been exciting for me to work with our local church leaders to confirm these final details. Here is the current list (subject to change as the Holy Spirit directs!) and our current prayer requests:
1) Saturday, May 8 – Visit the Source of the Nile. The Source Café is a local Christian owned and operated internet café. They are in the midst of producing a tour of local sites in Jinja, adding the spiritual aspects of the various sites. The Nile river begins here and twists and turns around 4,000 miles before it empties into the Mediterranean Sea. In part of the devotion of this tour they state “God has given us so much more, and what we are seeking is to encourage you, wherever you are to open your eyes to the wonder of God.” Pray as our team experiences being at the Source of the Nile that they “seek the source of Life in all that they do, whether in America or Uganda, city or village.
2) Saturday, May 8 – Devotion time at 12 noon with the staff of the hotel.
3) Ministry at Living Hope Children’s Home will be daily, mainly each afternoon into early evening.
4) Sunday, May 9th – Will attend church services at the local Calvary Chapel. They have asked for assistance in an upcoming Youth Conference May 13-15. Two of our leaders in our home have been attending this fellowship. The organizers of this youth event are thankful and excited about our participation! They were in need of small group facilitators…especially women! Having a team of 10 women was an answer to their prayers! Also be in prayer for the team as we are away on Mother’s Day.
5) Monday May 10th – Wednesday, May 12th – Konko Revival Center Church. We will be going into the villages to conduct Vacation Bible School. Expected amount of children could be 80-100. Approximate time of the VBS will be from 10 am-12 noon.
6) Thursday, May 13th – Friday, May 14th – Revival Center Church – Vacation Bible School. This church is in the town of Jinja. Approximate time of VBS is also 10 am – 12 noon.
7) Youth Conference with Calvary Chapel –
Thursday, May 13th & Friday May 14th – 1 pm – 5 pm
Saturday, May 15th – 8 am – 5 pm
8) Sunday, May 16th – Church services at Revival Center Church.
9) Pray we have opportunities to share the gospel.
10) Continue to pray for our team that we remain unified. Pray we grow closer as a team as we continue to move forward.
11) Pray for each individual to grow in their relationship with Him.
12) Pray we keep our eyes on “Finishing Well”- Acts 20:24 “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has give me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Thank you for your prayers and your continue support. Various members of our team will be participating in posting the updates for our Uganda Children’s Team. You will then be able to hear from others what their experiences are of being in Uganda.

For all of the mothers of our team members…your children miss you very much! They sent their Mother’s Day greetings to you. Thank you, mothers for investing in the lives of your children with your lives, your time & your love. Thank you for all you have given us and for all you mean to us. We love you! “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow.” 1 Thessalonians 3:12


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