Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Raining Hope Chapter 11 Update #9
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #9
Thursday & Friday, October 6 & 7, 2011
This update is backtracking a little bit! I was not able to send out the last updates before coming home. This covers Thursday & Friday’s activities which were important to include!
Thursday morning I was asked to lead the morning devotions during the staff fellowship. I shared the story of my “burning bush” experience in room 35. As we re-visited the familiar story in Exodus 3, the verses have become very personal to me. As I shared about the brilliant light that was at the top of the cloud, I was taken to Proverbs 4:18-19,
18 The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. 19 But the way of the wicked is like total darkness. They have no idea what they are stumbling over.
Another passage of scripture that was a good prayer to follow for this New Year was Proverbs 4:20-27,
20 My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words, 21 Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, 22 for they bring life to those who find them, and healing
to their whole body. 23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. 24 Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. 25 Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. 26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. 27 Don’t get sidetracked;
keep your feet from following evil.
We finished by reading Matthew 6:31-34 which is always a good reminder, 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. 34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Robert Otile & I were finally able to meet this morning. He gave me the copies of the paperwork for the land we have purchased! It was almost surreal to hold the official copy that shows we own the 4 acres on Lake Victoria! We discussed the items that we need to first accomplish. You will see in the prayer requests what we will be faced with first.
My tailor came by to drop off my clothes this morning. We were able to have some time to just sit and visit before she boarded a boda boda to make her back home to Wanyange.
Solomon & Annette came early so we could talk over the upcoming school issues. We made lists of what supplies were needed as well. Annette is going to be assuming much of the responsibility of the managing of the home! The unity in the home is so solid right now. We know we already have in place the ones God has chosen!
We were blessed by a visit from Sheila & Michael Kajumba! This time they traveled from Kampala to meet with us. We all had a very relaxing lunch in the garden at the hotel. They enjoyed the peace of Jinja so much compared to the busyness of Kampala! I had a very important mission…deliver the hugs from their son, Aaron who is going to college in Ventura! We exchanged gifts that I am now to deliver to Aaron…along with his hug from his parents!
By time we finished our lunch and sent them on their way, we did not have much time left in the afternoon. We did some shopping in town for necessary supplies. Thanks to all of you at home who have given financial support. This trip we were able to purchase necessary school supplies, home supplies, & food. They will all need new shoes for the new school year. We are going to be able to purchase those as well. Praise the Lord who provides!
Be in prayer about the mosquito nets. The supplier of the nets found out that we wanted to purchase them. However, my friend said her boss may not be able to sell them for the 3000 shillings because that price is for locals. Hmmm…I told her the nets were for the local children. I was not taking them back to America! Ha! They will still be negotiating with our home. Pray that they will honor the 3000 shilling price.
By time we arrived at the home, I only had enough time to be with them for devotions. But we had such a great time in a very short period! Because I have been sharing with the children from Exodus, Luis taught them the song, “Pharoah, Pharoah!” It was the funniest and cutest thing! I smiled and laughed so hard! They were so good! Oh of course we have also been doing our “Cupid Shuffle” nightly! They still love that song!
Mrs. Otile had invited me to dinner that evening at the hotel. It was such a nice time of fellowship. We rarely get the time to just sit one-on-one and enjoy sharing about our lives. For those new to my updates, Mr. & Mrs. Otile are the owners of the hotel. Robert Otile is their son and the General Manager. They are a tremendous family who are committed to the Lord. No wonder there is so much favor that rests upon the hotel!
Friday we had much to accomplish because it was my last full day in Jinja & at the home. We went to town so I could say goodbye to my friends in their shops. Rita was bringing her daughter, Mary to see me. When we pulled up in the car in front of her shop, little Mary greeted me at the car door! She gave me a big hug then took my camera case to carry it over her shoulder! Here the custom is to carry the visitor’s bags to be helpful. Little Mary was no exception! I took her with me to the various shops to see my other friends. It was precious!
We finished up as much shopping as we had time for. Miraculously, we were able to purchase most of what was on the list! There were just a few items that they will take care of after I come home. We also bought our soda and cakes for our soda party later in the afternoon. That is always a highlight of the trip. The only time the children get a bottle of soda is when I come and we have these special parties. They appreciate the soda so much because they only get one bottle about 4 times a year. Hard to imagine isn’t it!
The biggest blessing of Friday was that Robert Otile took us to visit our land! The fun part was we went by boat this time instead of car! We caught a boat at the Sunset Hotel next door. We travel down the Nile River, enter into Lake Victoria, and cross over the lake. Amazing! It was a beautiful, perfect day to take the boat. Robert brought his two boys, nephew and another cousin with us. They were so curious as to where we were going. They asked tons of questions all along the way. Yes, it was one of those, “Are we there yet?” journeys! Because the children were with us, the driver of the boat took extra time to point out sites. It took us a little longer going because we went along the shore to see birds etc. It was about a 35 minute boat ride. By car it takes about 40-45 minutes on a very rough road. Going back was only about 25 minutes as we headed straight back to the hotel. What a fun way to travel to our new land by boat! God is so good!
It was overwhelming to stand on our new land for the first time since owning it. This time Robert pointed out which of the four acres belongs to us. As we walked up the path from the Lake, we were greeting by some of the local children living right there in the area. One little girl in particular was all smiles as she wondered who exactly we were!
Four acres is really big! Our land goes all the way to the shore of the Lake. It was so emotionally overwhelming to walk on the land that God has given to us. At one point, we stopped to pray over the land and dedicate all to Him. I was overcome with a sense of joy. We were humbled to know our God loves us so much to provide His very best. I began weeping as we prayed, giving it all back to Him. We look forward to what God has in store for the future home of Raining Hope Children’s Home! This is the Promised Land.
After the boat ride back to the hotel, we went to visit Pastor Paul and his family. I had not been able to see him since Sunday! It was very nice to just sit in the living room and visit with the whole family. He asked about many of you and I was able to update the family on as much as I could. We had a time of precious time of prayer before I left.
We went by Pastor Gerald’s house before heading to the children’s home. We had a very quick visit with Ruth and the two boys. They again prayed for me their very sweet prayer. This time it was a little bit longer than, “God, Aunt Eydie, Amen!” They actually covered their little eyes and prayed quite some time before saying, “Amen.” Whatever it was they prayed from me I know it was heard by our God!
I had planned to stay at the home as long as I could this last evening. We had a great time during our devotions. I also ate dinner there that night. It was nice because we all ate together in the dining room! This was the first time we were able to do that. Even the fact that we have devotions in the living room is new. We used to have the devotions outside in the dining area set up for the children. For the first time, it really felt like a home.
As I shared one more time with the children from the Book of Exodus, we focused on how the Israelite children left Egypt. After crossing the Red Sea, they came to a point that they began grumbling. They even went as far to say they would rather be back in Egypt! The challenge I left with the children of Raining Hope was that we never be like the Israelite children. We also have left Egypt. God has provided us with so much. He is blessing us with such amazing things! We believe that the new land that we have waiting for us is our Promised Land. As much as we love the house we are in, it is just a stop along the way. God is asking us to be faithful with the journey. He has the Promised Land waiting. We are not going back to Egypt. We will be thankful for all He has done and will continue to do. May we never take that for granted. May we never forget who our God is.
Thank you for sharing this chapter in my story with me. Please continue praying for our children. They love you all and thank you for caring so deeply about them.
Prayer Requests:
1) Praise! We accomplished all that we needed in the short time frame given. God kept us on task and we finished what He wanted us to get done.
2) Continue to pray for the selection of new schools. We have narrowed it down. As soon as we have confirmation on the schools, I will be sending an update out as to what we need in terms of school fees.
3) We have come to a solution about the management of the home! Annette is going to take on more responsibilities of the daily management. We will continue working on this process. But they will all be working together as the unity between the staff is amazingly strong & God centered.
4) Praise that we were able to visit the new land.
a) Pray as we first need to plan boundary markers. We want to set up a boundary fence so others will know the land belongs to us. We are talking about planting trees that will serve as the boundary markers. We also need to purchase a sign post showing that Raining Hope Children’s Home will be occupying the land.
b) Pray that we seek God’s direction in the prioritizing of the order of building. We believe the first priority will be the actual children’s home. Future dreams include: guest house, school, vocational school, & church. We also have enough land to develop into farm land. That will help us with our food supply.
c) Pray for the necessary funds to begin building. We first need to pay off the loan we took out here in America to move out of the old home. We had incurred the debt here in order to pay off all of the schools and the landlord. Once that is all paid off, we can start a building fund campaign.
d) We are obligated to stay in the current home until at least October as we have 1 year lease. We would not move out until after the first of next year because of the school term ending in December. Pray with us this year as we seek Him to provide the funds to build.
5) Pray for our upcoming “Sit-A-Thon” on February 11-12, 2011. You have received information on this event under separate email. This is a big event for us. We are hoping that the funds raised will help us to pay off the loan and begin the building process. We also will have school fees to raise in the next two weeks.
6) Pray for the new ISP team from CBU that will be going to Uganda June 1-21, 2011. We just began our training. I travel to Riverside on Monday nights as we meet from 6-9 pm.
We want to be explained only by the miraculous! Stay tuned for more to come!
Raining Hope Chapter 11 Update #8
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #8
January 10, 2011!
I am safely home back in Ventura! The last couple of days in Uganda were challenging to be on the internet. I will be sending out another email with an update of what God did during those days! I will be traveling to Riverside today to have the first meeting with my new ISP Uganda team! Please pray for me as I travel today, especially on the drive back home. We meet from 6:00-9:00 pm this evening. This year our International Service Project’s theme is “Yield.” Our verse is Luke 9:23-25 “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?”
On Saturday my morning went very quickly. I had last minute visits that morning before leaving. I had missed Pastor Gerald the day before when I went to visit the family. He came by early to drop off a few letters, so he joined me for breakfast. We had a great time of fellowship and sharing! Solomon then joined as well. As I went to finish up a few last minute details, my friend Sarah Saaba came by. She used to work at the hotel. We were able to share together for a short but very precious time. The four of us joined in prayer as Pastor Gerald prayed for my safe journey.
On the way to the airport we stopped for our “chicken on the stick!” We weren’t able to have the traditional chicken when I arrived. So we made sure that we were able to have chicken for the journey home! We made a couple of visits on the way to the airport. We stopped in Mukono to have a few moments with Godfrey. We still made it to the airport in plenty of time.
The security has continued to be stepped up at the airport. They now do additional automobile checks as we enter the airport. We both have to actually get out of the vehicle while they check the car. Remember during the Thanksgiving holiday when there was so much in the news about security checks at airports? Those that complain probably would not do well traveling overseas! We had a security pat down and check right next to the car! When we pass that check point we now have to park in the parking lot and walk our luggage up to the departure area. Solomon helped me get the luggage up to where I stood in line to enter.
The checking in process ended up being one of the most challenging I have ever had. Long lines and a very slow process all added up to frustrated travelers. Our plane had also arrived late which added to the whole long process. We ended up leaving about 1 hour late. My concern was my connecting flight in Dubai. Most of the time, I have long layovers of more than six hours. This time I only had 3 hours inbetween! But I arrived just in enough time to make it to my next gate! Praise the Lord! We actually arrived in Los Angeles 30 minutes early!
I arrived at LAX about 7:15 am on Sunday. I collected my bags and made it through passport control so quickly I surprised Kiana and Carol! I think the whole process only took ½ hour instead of the normal hour. I refreshed up, got my latte and then we headed to church! Since we were in the Los Angeles area, we drove to La Puente to attend church at St. Stephens Baptist Church! I have served on the board of trustees at CBU with Pastor Tony Dockery. The church is also very supportive of our ministry. We were able to attend the Sunday School class as well as the 11:00 am service! It was an AMAZING service!! The Sunday School class had me give a short greeting and report of our continued work in Uganda. The class is a very vibrant and fun! They love the Lord and take the study of His Word seriously. We loved being with them once again. The worship service was just what I needed coming home. The choir is amazing! The music was powerful. The preaching of God’s Word was so encouraging for my first day back home. God ministered to me in ways that helped the transition back to life in America. God is good.
By time I got home, I started the unpacking process. As Kiana, Michael, Heather and I were all here at home…at some point I just fell asleep!
I am quickly catching up on my rest! I am excited about meeting with my new team tonight at CBU. Pray as I make the 2 ½ hour drive to CBU this afternoon. It is always difficult to go from the land of Uganda to the busy traffic of the Los Angeles area. I normally try to stay quiet for the first week. This time God has other plans for me! It will actually be nicer driving home tonight as I get on the road about 9:15 pm. There is less traffic, but pray that I will be able to stay alert and awake!
I will send another update out in the next day or so to catch up with what I was not able to report on. I just wanted everyone to know that I have arrived home!
This morning I read in Psalm 9:1-2, “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High,” Our God is good! Chapter 11 has been another amazing chapter in a story of God’s goodness and miraculous works!
Thank you for journeying along with me!
I challenged the children to get up early and be excited to meet with God this morning. Wouldn’t you know, I ended up waking up late! I have been getting up at 4 and 5 am. Today I woke up around 7 am! I jumped out of bed and my first thought was the children! I ended up feeling bad that I was up late. I still went outside on the balcony and had a short time with the Lord. But, you know I learned another valuable lesson. After my encounter yesterday, I was anticipating and excited about my time alone with the Lord! I have had times when I have scheduled to meet with someone and have had to cut the time short because of a sudden interruption or arriving late. I feel a piece is missing when we are not allowed to have the full time. I also don’t want to miss anything that God has for me.
There are no devotions with staff on Wednesdays. It gave me time to catch up on updates and administrative work for Raining Hope. I had a great visit with Mrs. Otile today as I waited to meet with her son, Robert. We are still trying to work time out to go to the land. Pray that happens in the next two days!
Solomon met me for lunch and we went next door to the Sunset Hotel. My favorite Chinese food anywhere is here in Jinja! Isn’t that so strange! It is so peaceful to sit and enjoy the view of the Nile. We were able to continue discussing the needs of the home and the plans for the first term. God continues to confirm His plans through His Word.
We stopped by Indulge to check on the mosquito nets. They had not yet arrived so we will try again tomorrow.
We did go by two of the primary schools. We have discovered that schools are not opened for registration. Solomon found someone to talk with to just get basic information. One of the primary schools is private and much more expensive than the government subsidized school. I was at least able to drive by the schools to see where they are at. One school is right down the road from the home. They would be able to walk home at lunch. This would help with the cost as we would not have to pay for food at the school. We will go back when registration opens in a couple of weeks.
We spent the afternoon at the home working on craft projects. When I organized the bags of supplies, I discovered some leftover fish (really! Ha! Just constructions cut outs but leftovers still the same!) and bookmarkers. The children had lots of fun. Just when they thought they had finished decorating the fish, I would bring out more! Henry would come over saying, “They are all over.” Then he would look and say, “Ah, there’s more!” When I declared it was like the story in the book of Matthew about Jesus multiplying the fish and the bread, they all got a good laugh out of that!
During the devotions, I continued to share from the book of Exodus about leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land. We focused on these verses in Exodus…
7 Then the LORD told him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey.”
We thank the Lord that He saw our suffering as well and came to rescue us. We are living in the land of milk and honey. Funny that the other day when Solomon was feeding his 2 dogs, April and May, they had a huge bowl of milk! I thought, “Wow! Even our animals at Raining Hope have milk overflowing!”
Prayer Requests:
1) We are accomplishing all that needs to be done. Thank you for your prayers. With just a couple of days left, pray that we will be able to get done what He desires.
2) Pray for our decision of which schools the children will attend. This will have to happen after I go home. A praise is there is someone who will make our uniforms for us! This will cut down the cost considerably! Pray for the needed funds for school fees.
3) We are coming to the solution to the managing of the home issue. Continue to pray God gives us the final confirmation. God is good.
4) We are going to visit our new land on Friday. Pray that this works out.
5) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children send their greetings and love to you!
Chapter 11 – Update #8
January 10, 2011!
I am safely home back in Ventura! The last couple of days in Uganda were challenging to be on the internet. I will be sending out another email with an update of what God did during those days! I will be traveling to Riverside today to have the first meeting with my new ISP Uganda team! Please pray for me as I travel today, especially on the drive back home. We meet from 6:00-9:00 pm this evening. This year our International Service Project’s theme is “Yield.” Our verse is Luke 9:23-25 “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?”
On Saturday my morning went very quickly. I had last minute visits that morning before leaving. I had missed Pastor Gerald the day before when I went to visit the family. He came by early to drop off a few letters, so he joined me for breakfast. We had a great time of fellowship and sharing! Solomon then joined as well. As I went to finish up a few last minute details, my friend Sarah Saaba came by. She used to work at the hotel. We were able to share together for a short but very precious time. The four of us joined in prayer as Pastor Gerald prayed for my safe journey.
On the way to the airport we stopped for our “chicken on the stick!” We weren’t able to have the traditional chicken when I arrived. So we made sure that we were able to have chicken for the journey home! We made a couple of visits on the way to the airport. We stopped in Mukono to have a few moments with Godfrey. We still made it to the airport in plenty of time.
The security has continued to be stepped up at the airport. They now do additional automobile checks as we enter the airport. We both have to actually get out of the vehicle while they check the car. Remember during the Thanksgiving holiday when there was so much in the news about security checks at airports? Those that complain probably would not do well traveling overseas! We had a security pat down and check right next to the car! When we pass that check point we now have to park in the parking lot and walk our luggage up to the departure area. Solomon helped me get the luggage up to where I stood in line to enter.
The checking in process ended up being one of the most challenging I have ever had. Long lines and a very slow process all added up to frustrated travelers. Our plane had also arrived late which added to the whole long process. We ended up leaving about 1 hour late. My concern was my connecting flight in Dubai. Most of the time, I have long layovers of more than six hours. This time I only had 3 hours inbetween! But I arrived just in enough time to make it to my next gate! Praise the Lord! We actually arrived in Los Angeles 30 minutes early!
I arrived at LAX about 7:15 am on Sunday. I collected my bags and made it through passport control so quickly I surprised Kiana and Carol! I think the whole process only took ½ hour instead of the normal hour. I refreshed up, got my latte and then we headed to church! Since we were in the Los Angeles area, we drove to La Puente to attend church at St. Stephens Baptist Church! I have served on the board of trustees at CBU with Pastor Tony Dockery. The church is also very supportive of our ministry. We were able to attend the Sunday School class as well as the 11:00 am service! It was an AMAZING service!! The Sunday School class had me give a short greeting and report of our continued work in Uganda. The class is a very vibrant and fun! They love the Lord and take the study of His Word seriously. We loved being with them once again. The worship service was just what I needed coming home. The choir is amazing! The music was powerful. The preaching of God’s Word was so encouraging for my first day back home. God ministered to me in ways that helped the transition back to life in America. God is good.
By time I got home, I started the unpacking process. As Kiana, Michael, Heather and I were all here at home…at some point I just fell asleep!
I am quickly catching up on my rest! I am excited about meeting with my new team tonight at CBU. Pray as I make the 2 ½ hour drive to CBU this afternoon. It is always difficult to go from the land of Uganda to the busy traffic of the Los Angeles area. I normally try to stay quiet for the first week. This time God has other plans for me! It will actually be nicer driving home tonight as I get on the road about 9:15 pm. There is less traffic, but pray that I will be able to stay alert and awake!
I will send another update out in the next day or so to catch up with what I was not able to report on. I just wanted everyone to know that I have arrived home!
This morning I read in Psalm 9:1-2, “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High,” Our God is good! Chapter 11 has been another amazing chapter in a story of God’s goodness and miraculous works!
Thank you for journeying along with me!
I challenged the children to get up early and be excited to meet with God this morning. Wouldn’t you know, I ended up waking up late! I have been getting up at 4 and 5 am. Today I woke up around 7 am! I jumped out of bed and my first thought was the children! I ended up feeling bad that I was up late. I still went outside on the balcony and had a short time with the Lord. But, you know I learned another valuable lesson. After my encounter yesterday, I was anticipating and excited about my time alone with the Lord! I have had times when I have scheduled to meet with someone and have had to cut the time short because of a sudden interruption or arriving late. I feel a piece is missing when we are not allowed to have the full time. I also don’t want to miss anything that God has for me.
There are no devotions with staff on Wednesdays. It gave me time to catch up on updates and administrative work for Raining Hope. I had a great visit with Mrs. Otile today as I waited to meet with her son, Robert. We are still trying to work time out to go to the land. Pray that happens in the next two days!
Solomon met me for lunch and we went next door to the Sunset Hotel. My favorite Chinese food anywhere is here in Jinja! Isn’t that so strange! It is so peaceful to sit and enjoy the view of the Nile. We were able to continue discussing the needs of the home and the plans for the first term. God continues to confirm His plans through His Word.
We stopped by Indulge to check on the mosquito nets. They had not yet arrived so we will try again tomorrow.
We did go by two of the primary schools. We have discovered that schools are not opened for registration. Solomon found someone to talk with to just get basic information. One of the primary schools is private and much more expensive than the government subsidized school. I was at least able to drive by the schools to see where they are at. One school is right down the road from the home. They would be able to walk home at lunch. This would help with the cost as we would not have to pay for food at the school. We will go back when registration opens in a couple of weeks.
We spent the afternoon at the home working on craft projects. When I organized the bags of supplies, I discovered some leftover fish (really! Ha! Just constructions cut outs but leftovers still the same!) and bookmarkers. The children had lots of fun. Just when they thought they had finished decorating the fish, I would bring out more! Henry would come over saying, “They are all over.” Then he would look and say, “Ah, there’s more!” When I declared it was like the story in the book of Matthew about Jesus multiplying the fish and the bread, they all got a good laugh out of that!
During the devotions, I continued to share from the book of Exodus about leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land. We focused on these verses in Exodus…
7 Then the LORD told him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey.”
We thank the Lord that He saw our suffering as well and came to rescue us. We are living in the land of milk and honey. Funny that the other day when Solomon was feeding his 2 dogs, April and May, they had a huge bowl of milk! I thought, “Wow! Even our animals at Raining Hope have milk overflowing!”
Prayer Requests:
1) We are accomplishing all that needs to be done. Thank you for your prayers. With just a couple of days left, pray that we will be able to get done what He desires.
2) Pray for our decision of which schools the children will attend. This will have to happen after I go home. A praise is there is someone who will make our uniforms for us! This will cut down the cost considerably! Pray for the needed funds for school fees.
3) We are coming to the solution to the managing of the home issue. Continue to pray God gives us the final confirmation. God is good.
4) We are going to visit our new land on Friday. Pray that this works out.
5) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children send their greetings and love to you!
Raining Hope Chapter 11 Update #7
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #7
January 6, 2011!
I challenged the children to get up early and be excited to meet with God this morning. Wouldn’t you know, I ended up waking up late! I have been getting up at 4 and 5 am. Today I woke up around 7 am! I jumped out of bed and my first thought was the children! I ended up feeling bad that I was up late. I still went outside on the balcony and had a short time with the Lord. But, you know I learned another valuable lesson. After my encounter yesterday, I was anticipating and excited about my time alone with the Lord! I have had times when I have scheduled to meet with someone and have had to cut the time short because of a sudden interruption or arriving late. I feel a piece is missing when we are not allowed to have the full time. I also don’t want to miss anything that God has for me.
There are no devotions with staff on Wednesdays. It gave me time to catch up on updates and administrative work for Raining Hope. I had a great visit with Mrs. Otile today as I waited to meet with her son, Robert. We are still trying to work time out to go to the land. Pray that happens in the next two days!
Solomon met me for lunch and we went next door to the Sunset Hotel. My favorite Chinese food anywhere is here in Jinja! Isn’t that so strange! It is so peaceful to sit and enjoy the view of the Nile. We were able to continue discussing the needs of the home and the plans for the first term. God continues to confirm His plans through His Word.
We stopped by Indulge to check on the mosquito nets. They had not yet arrived so we will try again tomorrow.
We did go by two of the primary schools. We have discovered that schools are not opened for registration. Solomon found someone to talk with to just get basic information. One of the primary schools is private and much more expensive than the government subsidized school. I was at least able to drive by the schools to see where they are at. One school is right down the road from the home. They would be able to walk home at lunch. This would help with the cost as we would not have to pay for food at the school. We will go back when registration opens in a couple of weeks.
We spent the afternoon at the home working on craft projects. When I organized the bags of supplies, I discovered some leftover fish (really! Ha! Just constructions cut outs but leftovers still the same!) and bookmarkers. The children had lots of fun. Just when they thought they had finished decorating the fish, I would bring out more! Henry would come over saying, “They are all over.” Then he would look and say, “Ah, there’s more!” When I declared it was like the story in the book of Matthew about Jesus multiplying the fish and the bread, they all got a good laugh out of that!
During the devotions, I continued to share from the book of Exodus about leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land. We focused on these verses in Exodus…
7 Then the LORD told him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey.”
We thank the Lord that He saw our suffering as well and came to rescue us. We are living in the land of milk and honey. Funny that the other day when Solomon was feeding his 2 dogs, April and May, they had a huge bowl of milk! I thought, “Wow! Even our animals at Raining Hope have milk overflowing!”
Prayer Requests:
1) We are accomplishing all that needs to be done. Thank you for your prayers. With just a couple of days left, pray that we will be able to get done what He desires.
2) Pray for our decision of which schools the children will attend. This will have to happen after I go home. A praise is there is someone who will make our uniforms for us! This will cut down the cost considerably! Pray for the needed funds for school fees.
3) We are coming to the solution to the managing of the home issue. Continue to pray God gives us the final confirmation. God is good.
4) We are going to visit our new land on Friday. Pray that this works out.
5) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children send their greetings and love to you!
Chapter 11 – Update #7
January 6, 2011!
I challenged the children to get up early and be excited to meet with God this morning. Wouldn’t you know, I ended up waking up late! I have been getting up at 4 and 5 am. Today I woke up around 7 am! I jumped out of bed and my first thought was the children! I ended up feeling bad that I was up late. I still went outside on the balcony and had a short time with the Lord. But, you know I learned another valuable lesson. After my encounter yesterday, I was anticipating and excited about my time alone with the Lord! I have had times when I have scheduled to meet with someone and have had to cut the time short because of a sudden interruption or arriving late. I feel a piece is missing when we are not allowed to have the full time. I also don’t want to miss anything that God has for me.
There are no devotions with staff on Wednesdays. It gave me time to catch up on updates and administrative work for Raining Hope. I had a great visit with Mrs. Otile today as I waited to meet with her son, Robert. We are still trying to work time out to go to the land. Pray that happens in the next two days!
Solomon met me for lunch and we went next door to the Sunset Hotel. My favorite Chinese food anywhere is here in Jinja! Isn’t that so strange! It is so peaceful to sit and enjoy the view of the Nile. We were able to continue discussing the needs of the home and the plans for the first term. God continues to confirm His plans through His Word.
We stopped by Indulge to check on the mosquito nets. They had not yet arrived so we will try again tomorrow.
We did go by two of the primary schools. We have discovered that schools are not opened for registration. Solomon found someone to talk with to just get basic information. One of the primary schools is private and much more expensive than the government subsidized school. I was at least able to drive by the schools to see where they are at. One school is right down the road from the home. They would be able to walk home at lunch. This would help with the cost as we would not have to pay for food at the school. We will go back when registration opens in a couple of weeks.
We spent the afternoon at the home working on craft projects. When I organized the bags of supplies, I discovered some leftover fish (really! Ha! Just constructions cut outs but leftovers still the same!) and bookmarkers. The children had lots of fun. Just when they thought they had finished decorating the fish, I would bring out more! Henry would come over saying, “They are all over.” Then he would look and say, “Ah, there’s more!” When I declared it was like the story in the book of Matthew about Jesus multiplying the fish and the bread, they all got a good laugh out of that!
During the devotions, I continued to share from the book of Exodus about leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land. We focused on these verses in Exodus…
7 Then the LORD told him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey.”
We thank the Lord that He saw our suffering as well and came to rescue us. We are living in the land of milk and honey. Funny that the other day when Solomon was feeding his 2 dogs, April and May, they had a huge bowl of milk! I thought, “Wow! Even our animals at Raining Hope have milk overflowing!”
Prayer Requests:
1) We are accomplishing all that needs to be done. Thank you for your prayers. With just a couple of days left, pray that we will be able to get done what He desires.
2) Pray for our decision of which schools the children will attend. This will have to happen after I go home. A praise is there is someone who will make our uniforms for us! This will cut down the cost considerably! Pray for the needed funds for school fees.
3) We are coming to the solution to the managing of the home issue. Continue to pray God gives us the final confirmation. God is good.
4) We are going to visit our new land on Friday. Pray that this works out.
5) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children send their greetings and love to you!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Raining Hope Chapter 11 Update #6
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #6
January 5, 2011!
Today was another day of watching God work in mysterious ways! I had a very amazing moment with God this morning. I went out onto my balcony before getting ready for the day. As I looked out to the right I can see the Nile River. Something that caught my eye was the ground next door. It looked like the neighbor was getting ready to plant some sort of crop. But closer look showed me he was getting ready to build. I did find out that it is true. He will build a 2 story building that will block the view of the Nile.
But in the midst of the momentary sadness, I looked up in the sky to the left and saw just a single cloud in a cloudless sky. At the top of the cloud there was light radiating. Then I thought I saw a flash of lightening. There was no rain or no thunder. I thought my eyes were seeing things. I again waited and started praying. Then there was confirmation with another flash of lightening. I had such an amazing time alone with the Lord. It was a “burning bush” experience like those in the days of Moses. God revealed much to me in those moments as answers to prayer for this visit.
I encourage you to read Exodus 3 & 4 again. Even though it is a familiar story it spoke to me in new ways. It causes me to want to wake up in the morning and rush out to meet God! I challenged our children at the home last night during devotion with this message.
The day I arrived at the home, they were all waiting with great anticipation. When I asked them how they felt as they waited for me they said they were excited. They were full of happiness and joy. They wanted to see me. I expressed that I am thankful for how much they love me! But we have a God who loves us even more and waits with great anticipation for us to meet him everyday! He loves to communicate with His children! He wants us to come to him daily in the same way!
So, after morning devotions I went to the business center to work on the computer. The wireless network is finally working in specific areas of the hotel! Amen! But during the day I will still work in the business center with my computer to sit with my friend, Apophia! Staff will come in and out of the room as well. This morning I met John the Baptist! Ha! Really! He was sitting quietly working on his computer. He was observing the staff come in the room and greet me. He finally turned around and said, “You know a lot of people!” He said, “And what do you do?” After sharing about the ministry, I asked his name. You can imagine the look on my face when he said, “John the Baptist.” I even said to him, “really?” He said that some call him “JB!” Really!
Solomon & I went to town to do a little shopping. We always go to specific shops that I have made friends with. The one we visited today was on the opposite side of the street from the Source Café. It is also next to a restaurant we frequent, “Ozzie’s.” We tried to eat lunch there the other day and it was closed. We found that very odd. But today when we saw it was closed again, we became concerned that something had happened to the owner. As I acquired around we found out she was just on holiday and should open back up soon!
Thank you for your prayers for Jonathan. We went to buy medicine for malaria. But when I asked how he was doing, Solomon said, “He is already doing better. He is fine now!” When I saw him later that afternoon, he was doing extremely well compared to yesterday…all before we gave him the medicine! Praise God!
For Kurt Hennigan…we had our chocolate chip milkshakes at Indulge! We always think of you and Brandi when we go to the restaurant, Indulge! We had another God encounter in the restaurant. While one of the ladies, Millie, was making the shake, I noticed her t-shirt mentioned something about mosquito nets at affordable prices. I asked her about the organization that was represented on the shirt. She said, “Yes I can get nets for you for 3000 shillings.” I thought I had heard wrong and said, “What?” I went to get Solomon so we could talk with her about the purchase of nets. With the move to the new house, we were in need of at least 25 nets. When Millie told him they were 3000 shillings each, he also said, “What, come again.” You see, mosquito nets normally sell for 20,000 shillings (about $10). The price they are selling them for is only about $1.50 each! They are a ministry providing a service to the community. Instead of $500 it will only cost us $37.50! This can only be explained by the miraculous. God is good. God is good.
Before going to the home, we were invited to the home of Andrew, one of the staff at the hotel. He and his wife, Rachel just had twin girls. Their names…Mary & Martha! Just before we arrived at their home, Andrew said, “I have not told my wife that we are coming. I want you to surprise her!” I said, “Ok, does she even know that I am in town?” He said, “No, I wanted it all to be a surprise!” Ha! She was so shocked when we walked in the house!
We had such a nice time of fellowship. The babies were asleep, so they woke them up so I could meet them. They are so precious! Rachel had some difficulties during the pregnancy, so it was as if I were holding miracles in my arms. Andrew said the doctor still calls them to ask if Rachel really is ok. The doctor can’t understand what happened. Rachel’s blood type caused a condition that almost required her to go through a series of shots. She had become bedridden for a short time. Just before they were to go through the process of the expensive treatments, they took one more blood test. Amazingly and mysteriously, her blood type changed! Seems impossible but we serve an amazing God. She became well and had no more complications. The babies were born healthy and she is fine.
I held Mary until she went back to sleep. Just before she dozed off, I felt the wetness come through her blanket and realized that she was not wearing any diapers. Most babies here do not wear diapers. I just held her until her mother took her before we left. When I said, “she is wet” they said, “sorry!” But Andrew said, “You know, in Uganda, we say that when a baby wets you, you are blessed!” Boy, then I was REALLY BLESSED A LOT! Ha ha!
Their son, Sean who is about 16 months old woke up from his nap. Apparently, after I left he said, “Aunty Muzungu was here!” When I was talking to Mrs. Otile later, she said that Sean calls her “Mama Paradise!” Mrs. Otile is the owner of the Hotel Paradise! She said that at church Sean calls the pastor “Hallelujah!” It is so cute how he associates names with places or positions. They told me that Sean has different names according to where he is. At church he is known as Obama. That is because when he was born, Obama was a huge craze here in Uganda. At the hotel, some call him Clint. That is because of a missionary’s son who has the name Clint. Around their house & at home he is known as Sean. Pretty interesting!
Another tradition that I was introduced to was when Andrew served us some soda. We said, “It is ok, you do not need to do that.” Andrew said, “In Uganda we have a saying. If you don’t take a drink, you don’t come back!” Solomon added what he has heard. “If you go to a house and leave hungry, you do not return!” Talk about hospitality! They take it very seriously! So we had our drinks and are welcomed and encouraged to come back!
While at the home I was able to go through supplies. When we moved we threw all of our art supplies and games in the suitcases. They have remained that way until I arrived. It was nice to organize everything and put them in the cabinets. With the new house we have a lot of storage space in the room Solomon is using.
During the devotion time, Godfrey showed up to spend time with us. As he listened to me share with the children that night about being excited to meet God in the morning, he was amazed. He said that this morning God confirmed the same messages. God showed him clouds today too and showers of blessings to come.
When we went back to the hotel to have dinner, tonight it was VERY SLOW FOOD! It was so slow that the two of them had to have the food packed to “take away.”
We are experiencing His abundant peace! He has kept us safe! He is raining down His hope and joy.
Prayer Requests:
1) We are accomplishing a lot. With only a few days left, continue to pray we utilize the time well.
2) Solomon & I will be meeting with schools and looking at the needed funds for school fees. Pray for a smooth transition and for the needed funds. The first term is always more expensive as we need to buy new uniforms, supplies, etc.
3) We are coming to the solution to the managing of the home issue. Continue to pray God gives us the final confirmation. God is good.
4) We are still trying to work out the schedule to visit the land before I leave. Robert’s schedule has been full and he still is recovering from his illness. Pray that God makes the way possible.
5) Praise the Jonathan has been healed! Praise that we will soon get new mosquito nets.
6) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children send their greetings and love to you!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Raining Hope Chapter 11 update #5
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #5
January 4, 2011!
Monday of the New Year brought the first devotion time with the staff of Hotel Paradise on the Nile! I was overwhelmed once again with the goodness of God! Normally there are about a dozen or so people in attendance. Today, Mr. Otile had asked for as many staff to attend as possible. He wanted to share what God had revealed to them on New Year’s Eve at the overnight they attended at the prayer mountain. We had 40 people in the prayer and devotion time!
At home, Kiana, Heather and I had recently watched “The Sing Off,” a show that the groups all sang a cappella. We were amazed at how good the groups sounded with no instruments. I realized this morning how much I have always loved the worship here in Uganda, and most of the time it is a cappella! The blending of voices, the clapping of hands that form the sounds of instruments is a heavenly sound!
Mr. Otile, the “chairman” or owner of the hotel, shared the message that he received from God. He said that the reason he went to the prayer mountain on New Year’s Eve was to hear from God. They are given two hours to just be alone with God and pray. He said, “Tell everything to God until you have emptied yourself. Then … listen.”
He shared with us many important things. One message was, “We need to stop slumbering. So many of us keep busy with what our hearts desire, not what God wants.” He believes this is a year that we are to draw closer to God. He said that God revealed it was going to be a difficult year around the world. Churches that are not standing for Him will crumble and the church seeking God will stand. He said we need His peace this year. The grace of God will abound. We need to stand righteously this year. Amen!
I love to start my day here in devotion time with the staff. As I continued to move throughout the day, God’s presence was very evident. I made my way to town by boda boda (motorbike) as one of the staff at the hotel dropped me off. I visited my friends in town bringing New Year’s greetings. One of the biggest joys I received was word my friend, Dianna is getting married in May this year! She is the shop owner next to the Source Café. The sweetest thing was she was trying to work the wedding around my next visit. She thought I normally come in May, so she scheduled the wedding for May 28th. Unfortunately, my travels with the CBU team will be in June this year! But it was touching to see her take that into consideration while planning.
My tailor, Mary has also moved from her shop here in town. She has moved to Wanyange, the place where we used to have our children’s home! She made her way to town so she could direct us to her new place of business. She wanted me to see her new room where she and her children stay. I walked into her home and her comment was, “You really love me don’t you?” When I replied, “Yes of course I do.” She said, “You love me, thank you.” The fact that with her moving I sought her out to continue to have her make my clothes meant a lot. I am discovering that the years and the frequency of my visits continues to build credibility, trust and an openness to the gospel. Even in Dianna’s shop, her other worker, Sarah began a conversation about the Trinity with me!
We then went to visit Pastor Gerald & Ruth in their home on the Youth With a Mission compound. Their two little boys, Ezekiel & Elijah are just adorable! At one point, Pastor Gerald said, pray for Aunt Eydie. It was so precious when they both came over to me, put their little hands over their eyes and quietly whispered, “God, Aunt Eydie, Amen” and then clapped! They repeated this over and over taking turns. It was so cute!
We found out that Pastor Gerald had to sell his pigs! The place where he lives didn’t want to keep the pigs and hens there. He said it was very traumatic for him especially to let go of one of the pigs. It was more of a pet to him. He said that once he can purchase land he hopes to buy the pig back. With the money that came from the necklaces they were able to buy a cow! She said, even the cow is getting to know him well. Pastor Gerald seems to be like a “farm whisperer!”
At the home last night I gave the children the cards made by Banner, Nation & Anthem Rolf. They loved them! I also gave them the cards made by the children at Conejo Church! They are so thankful for children from half way across the world that are remembering them and loving them. I also gave them then names of the ISP team I will be bringing in June 2011! They are praying for you by name!
Last night when I returned to the hotel, Solomon wanted to eat dinner. We ventured to the restaurant and to our surprised we found the restaurant full at 9 pm! We walked into a buffet (no “slow food” tonight!) and a big group. Turns out they were a group from Canada, predominately Chinese. They were celebrating with a local church for the work they were doing this week. Selevest, the restaurant manager said, “You can join the group and have dinner!” Solomon and I quietly sat at one of the corner tables. Solomon left to return to the home before the group concluded their meal. I was surprised when they started making presentations! It is a Christian organization called Life Spring. At the end when they joined hands to conclude in prayer, they invited Selevest and I to join in the circle!
Prayer Requests:
1) Continue to pray for all that I need to accomplish in the next few days. Please pray that we prioritize our days and are wise in how we use them.
2) Solomon & I will be meeting with schools and looking at the needed funds for school fees. Pray for a smooth transition and for the needed funds. The first term is always more expensive as we need to buy new uniforms, supplies, etc.
3) Continue to pray for the situation at the home for a new manager. This is an area of great discernment and creativity. The home is functioning so well with a great spirit of unity. Pray that what decisions we make will be God’s BEST. God revealed more to me this morning. We are waiting upon confirmation from Him. Pray I continue to seek Him in this decision.
4) I talked with Robert this morning concerning our land! He has been ill with malaria since the start of the New Year. Pray for his continued healing. We will meet tomorrow morning and also find time to go visit the land.
5) Pray for Jonathan, one of our children at the home. Last night he seemed to be coming down with a case of malaria.
6) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children continue to be “Strong and Courageous!” They are very inspiring to me. God is good, all the time!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Raining Hope Chapter 11 update #4
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #4
January 3, 2011!
We had a great New Year’s weekend! Solomon & Godfrey came around 3 pm for a late lunch. We had lunch in the garden with a full New Year’s buffet! It was very nice. For those of you who have come to Uganda, you know it can take up to an hour to receive your food after ordering. The buffet was nice because we were able to choose what we wanted and not wait so long. The nice thing was they charge according to how much you take instead of one flat fee! Those that know me know that buffets don’t normally work well because they charge so much more than I eat! Best thing…the buffet came with cake! So I already have had my “come back cake” on my first full day here!
When we were driving from the airport to Jinja, I saw a restaurant sign that said, “Slow Food!” Even Solomon didn’t know what that meant. It is the opposite of American “Fast Food!” We have decided that “Slow Food” is what the food is here if we order off the menu! Really!
We went to the children’s home right after our meal. It was so exciting to drive up to the home for the first time since we moved in. The children were all smiles! They opened the gate and were jumping up and down! I opened the car door and they all tried to hug me at the same time! I looked at our new front entrance and there was a sign that said, “Welcome Aunt Eydie!” It is difficult to fully explain the range of emotions I felt at that moment. It was so good to walk through the house and see the beds set up in each room. Last time I was here was our move-in day. We had beds piled everywhere, mattresses and clothes piled high in the hall. The house seems even bigger than I remember! I had wondered how we were going to fit 38 children in the home. Now there seems to be extra space! We serve a God that multiplies! The house is filled with the sound of laughter and a spirit of peace and joy. The children are so happy!
They have constructed an outdoor kitchen where they do all of the cooking. Instead of having the outdoor eating area, they now eat in the dining room! Devotion time is also inside the house now in the living room! Right now the children are all slowly returning from visiting their families for the holidays. By time I leave on Saturday more of our children should be here.
Devotion time is normally from 7-8 pm. Back in California that would be 8-9 am of the same day. If you would like to pray with us during that hour, you would be joining in on our time of worship & study! Solomon’s good friend, Lewis is currently helping out in the home. Lewis and Solomon were both part of Good Shepherd’s Fold. I have met many of Solomon’s friends who have been a part of this ministry. They believe that since they have been given a chance in life, they now want to help more children to give them hope. Lewis and I are both leading in the devotion time. Fred is leading in the worship. I just wish you could all be here to worship with us!
My first Sunday of 2011, I spent worshipping at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Kakira! It was like coming home to be able to attend services there once again! The power of reconciliation is overwhelming! There is a moving of the Holy Spirit in this place. We attended the second service. Pastor Paul’s message was a great one for the New Year. The encouragement was to let Jesus direct you this year. Pastor Paul said, “This time around ask God for help. Last time you did it alone without asking God for help. This time around, ask God to help give you direction, supply your needs, give assistance & protection & listen to His correction. God will reward His servants to those who are faithful.” No matter what difficulties may come our way, the encouragement was God uses them to shape us into who He wants us to be.
Pastor Paul gave me the opportunity to share a word of encouragement with the people. He wanted me to sign a song as well. The sound system was not there so I had to depend on my portable ipod speakers. I used the song “God is Good” that Denise had given us last year at the home. We had everyone clapping and signing along with me! Another moment I wish you could have been here to see the whole church signing and singing!
Last year they started a new tradition. Instead of giving gifts at Christmas, they use the first Sunday of the New Year to give gifts to one another. At the end of service they have a time to exchange gifts. Pastor Paul told me that it is so important to appreciate one another. It doesn’t have to be much, but just something given from the heart. He said that sometimes, something so little can mean a great deal to another person. Because he had told me ahead of time, I was able to participate in this tradition!
The time at the home that afternoon was so relaxing. It was so relaxing that for the first time, I actually dozed off in the living room while the children were writing letters to friends back at home! It says a lot about the overwhelming sense of peace that exists in the home!
The children have started their letters for me to carry back home. They would ask me how to spell some of your names and I would write it down on a piece of paper. They name past team members, sponsors, etc. What was funny was there were a couple of the neighbor children with us. One sweet little girl is named Doreen. She is probably about 6 years old. She wanted to write a letter and I thought, “hmmm…she doesn’t know any of these people.” The first name she said was, “Aunt Eydie.” I thought, “ok, how sweet that she wants to write me.” But the second name was, “April.” We have April Dominguez who came with the CBU team last year. I figured she heard one of the other children say April’s name. I gave her a piece of paper and off she went to write April a letter. BUT, then later she came back to get more paper. The person in front of her said, April. So when I asked Doreen who she wanted to write to she said, “May!” The children all started laughing! Annette was sitting next to me and couldn’t stop laughing!
The twist to the story is you probably are thinking the same thing I did. I thought, how funny that she was thinking the months of the year! I laughed as well until I told Solomon the story. He said, “You know why that is so funny?” Apparently, about a month ago, Solomon was given two precious dogs from his friends at Good Shepherd’s Fold. The names of the dogs… “April” and “May!” So…little Doreen was writing to the two dogs…April and May! Sorry April Dominguez! Ha ha ha!
The children are very happy! The children are safe. The children thank you for your support and your prayers. They love you all and send their greetings.
My first weekend of 2011 has been a blessing! Thanks to my family and friends in the United States who are so supportive of my travel at this time of year. The people of Uganda wanted me to tell you thanks for sharing me with them for the holidays. They realize that being with them means I am not with my family back home. Pastor Paul emphasized with the congregation on New Year’s Eve what a sacrifice it must be for my family and I. They wanted to express their deepest thanks from their hearts.
Prayer Requests:
1) Five days is a very short time to accomplish all we need. Please pray that we prioritize our days and are wise in how we use them.
2) Solomon & I will be meeting with schools and looking at the needed funds for school fees. Pray for a smooth transition and for the needed funds. The first term is always more expensive as we need to buy new uniforms, supplies, etc.
3) Pray for the situation at the home for a new manager. This is an area of great discernment and creativity. The home is functioning so well with a great spirit of unity. Pray that what decisions we make will be God’s BEST. God has already revealed much in the past 2 days. Pray I continue to seek Him in this decision.
4) Pray for blessings upon Pastor Paul and his family. He is allowing us to use his car this week instead of us having to rent the van. As I hear stories about how full his house was when he housed our children, it continues to show me how much he came to our aid in a time of need.
5) Pray for Cornerstone Church as they have received some funds to begin their building project again on the church. They are so excited about moving forward as a congregation. God is honoring the spirit of reconciliation that we experienced last year. My heart is filled with joy.
Happy New Year to my friends and family back home! God is good, all the time!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Raining Hope Chapter 11 Update #3
Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #3
January 1, 2011!
Happy New Year from Uganda! As I write this, I have already celebrated the ringing in of the New Year at an overnight service in Kakira! Back at home on the West Coast, you will be celebrating the New Year in just about one hour! Seems so funny that I have already gone to sleep and started the new year!
I arrived safely yesterday in Entebbe. For the first time while I was going through passport control, the agent said, “Are you a resident?” Even though I was standing in the line marked “others,” she still asked! The security was a little higher yesterday. The praise is all three of my pieces of luggage arrived safe and sound as well!
Solomon & Annette were both waiting for me at the airport! The traffic was pretty heavy going through Kampala because of New Year’s Eve. Many go to overnight prayer services. The Nelson Mandela Stadium has a huge gathering for prayer. Solomon is an amazing driver! He knew how to get around all of the traffic by going back roads. We picked up Godfrey in Mukono on the way to Jinja. By time we arrived at the hotel it was close to 6:45 pm.
Solomon wanted me to rest before the overnight service. It was just enough time to freshen up and rest a little before heading to Kakira. My normal “house” (room 35!) was occupied when I arrived! Someone had decided to stay an extra night. So they put me in room 34 for the night and will switch me back to my normal room today! It really was not the same staying in a different room!
The hotel is very festive, decorated with Christmas lights and Christmas trees! I am enjoying them as much as I can today as they will all be put away by tomorrow!
The overnight prayer service was at Deliverance Church in Kakira. It began at 10:00 pm and went on until I believe 6 am. By time we arrived it was close to 11 pm. We picked up Pastor Paul’s wife, Margaret and Shiphera on the way to the church. It was a glorious night of praise and worship. There is nothing like praying in the New Year here in Uganda. The church probably had close to 250 or more people. When we walked in the church, it was alive with everyone singing and praising God! There was dancing and shouts of joy! As it got closer to 12 midnight, everyone began praying to God. The joyful sounds just elevated as people were thanking God for the past year and looking forward to 2011. We continued on until just praising God until about 12:15 am. After that there were specials in song that were amazing. Everyone was so full of energy and joy. Annette shared in two songs and was great as always.
Pastor Paul shared one of the first messages of the New Year. The four points that he made that will be his resolutions for the new year came from Acts 6:4 “Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word,” and Joshua 24:14-15 “So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
1) This will be a year of prayer and ministry of the Word.
2) Fear God
3) Serve Him Faithfully
4) Throw away everything that was a problem last year. Do away with anything that doesn’t glorify God.
5) Worship and serve God together as a family.
Simple but to the point! Amen!
Pastor Paul also had me share a few words and sign a song. I shared the song “Brand New Life” by Rachel Lampa. It seemed appropriate as we began a New Year together! Some of the words to that song are, “I never realized what is meant to be free. Now I see all I need is what you want from me. I believe that you’ve erased any doubt. I know it now, can’t live without all you’ve given me.
So this is how it feels to be forgiven. So this is how it feels to be really living.”
“I’ve never seen a miracle before. Now I see them everyday for sure. It’s almost like you’ve opened up a door to a brand new life.”
And as I was reading in the book of Luke 4:18-19, these were the words of Jesus, “God’s spirit is on me; He’s chose me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind. To set the burdened & battered free. To announce, “This is God’s year to act!”
Amen! May this be a prayer for all of us this New Year! In the NLT, verse 19 reads, “The time of the Lord’s favor has come.”
Yesterday, on the flight from Dubai to Entebbe, we made a stop at Addis Ababa. The checking in was a little crazy. People were not listening to the woman trying to control the flow of people boarding the plane. She announced that they would board by zones. This way they board from back to front. No one seemed to listen to her. There was a flood of people that tried to make “Zone H” into “Zone B!” I finally got to my seat and settled in waiting to see who would occupy the seats next to me. I think I got bumped and hit more by people going down the aisle than all my flights combined! I felt like I was in the bumper car ride at the county fair! I even had a person drop their carry-on on my toe!
The lady sitting across the aisle from me was in the wrong seat. The gentleman tried to tell her that she needed to move. At first glance, it looked like she was being extremely rude. She appeared to not want to listen to him. He finally got a flight attendant to help. Turns out…she was to sit next to me!
As she settled in, she didn’t converse much. But then as she had trouble getting her seat belt to buckle, I leaned over to help her. She quietly acknowledged with a nod “thanks.” Then after takeoff she couldn’t get the tray to open. So I leaned over to help her. Again, just another nod. But then when the flight attendant came to ask if we wanted a soft drink or juice, the woman next to me tapped me on the shoulder and said, “coke, pepsi.” To my surprise, the flight attendant said, “which one? I have both.” The woman said to me, “Miranda” which is a local soda in Uganda. I knew that much and told her…no Miranda…and she nodded and took a pepsi. That broke the ice and she finally tapped me again and said, “You American?” This began one of the most interesting flights I have had. She is from Ethoipia and speaks basically only Arabic. She tried to tell me how she cleans houses, she is not happy, very sad, someone is not nice to her. We were able to communicate that much because she started using “sign language” in a sense to convey her story. She would sign “tears” coming down her face to tell me that she was sad. She told me someone was “not good.” She made the sign for “house” that I understood she does some cleaning.
When we received our landing cards, she asked if I would help her fill it out. Now that was a challenge! Imagine her speaking Arabic & I asking her in English, “What is your occupation?” “What is your purpose for your visit?” But we were successful because half way through our struggle, I saw on the back of the card the same questions in Arabic! God used that to show me what to do! The questions I could not answer from her passport, I counted the number of the question in English and matched it with the Arabic and pointed to her! Amazingly enough…it worked! There was another young man sitting next to her next to the window. The whole time he remained quiet as well. But towards the end of the flight, he saw she was not watching anything on the entertainment screen. He quietly leaned over and turned on the flight information so she could watch the flight in progress.
It was difficult to not be able to talk to her with words about God. But I pray that the Holy Spirit revealed to her the truth by actions. I gave her one of my necklaces that I pray God will use to remember our visit on the plane. She almost did not take it but then said, “thank you.” When she got off the plane at Addis Ababa, she gave me a big hug and kisses on the cheek. Her name is LemLem. Please keep her in your prayers.
This was a great lesson in not pre-judging someone. She wasn’t being rude in her actions. She just didn’t know any English and did not know what people were saying to her. She ended up being one of the sweetest young ladies I have met on an airplane.
I now am in my normal “house” of room 35! I now feel like I am in my home in Uganda.
Chapter 11 – Update #3
January 1, 2011!
Happy New Year from Uganda! As I write this, I have already celebrated the ringing in of the New Year at an overnight service in Kakira! Back at home on the West Coast, you will be celebrating the New Year in just about one hour! Seems so funny that I have already gone to sleep and started the new year!
I arrived safely yesterday in Entebbe. For the first time while I was going through passport control, the agent said, “Are you a resident?” Even though I was standing in the line marked “others,” she still asked! The security was a little higher yesterday. The praise is all three of my pieces of luggage arrived safe and sound as well!
Solomon & Annette were both waiting for me at the airport! The traffic was pretty heavy going through Kampala because of New Year’s Eve. Many go to overnight prayer services. The Nelson Mandela Stadium has a huge gathering for prayer. Solomon is an amazing driver! He knew how to get around all of the traffic by going back roads. We picked up Godfrey in Mukono on the way to Jinja. By time we arrived at the hotel it was close to 6:45 pm.
Solomon wanted me to rest before the overnight service. It was just enough time to freshen up and rest a little before heading to Kakira. My normal “house” (room 35!) was occupied when I arrived! Someone had decided to stay an extra night. So they put me in room 34 for the night and will switch me back to my normal room today! It really was not the same staying in a different room!
The hotel is very festive, decorated with Christmas lights and Christmas trees! I am enjoying them as much as I can today as they will all be put away by tomorrow!
The overnight prayer service was at Deliverance Church in Kakira. It began at 10:00 pm and went on until I believe 6 am. By time we arrived it was close to 11 pm. We picked up Pastor Paul’s wife, Margaret and Shiphera on the way to the church. It was a glorious night of praise and worship. There is nothing like praying in the New Year here in Uganda. The church probably had close to 250 or more people. When we walked in the church, it was alive with everyone singing and praising God! There was dancing and shouts of joy! As it got closer to 12 midnight, everyone began praying to God. The joyful sounds just elevated as people were thanking God for the past year and looking forward to 2011. We continued on until just praising God until about 12:15 am. After that there were specials in song that were amazing. Everyone was so full of energy and joy. Annette shared in two songs and was great as always.
Pastor Paul shared one of the first messages of the New Year. The four points that he made that will be his resolutions for the new year came from Acts 6:4 “Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word,” and Joshua 24:14-15 “So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
1) This will be a year of prayer and ministry of the Word.
2) Fear God
3) Serve Him Faithfully
4) Throw away everything that was a problem last year. Do away with anything that doesn’t glorify God.
5) Worship and serve God together as a family.
Simple but to the point! Amen!
Pastor Paul also had me share a few words and sign a song. I shared the song “Brand New Life” by Rachel Lampa. It seemed appropriate as we began a New Year together! Some of the words to that song are, “I never realized what is meant to be free. Now I see all I need is what you want from me. I believe that you’ve erased any doubt. I know it now, can’t live without all you’ve given me.
So this is how it feels to be forgiven. So this is how it feels to be really living.”
“I’ve never seen a miracle before. Now I see them everyday for sure. It’s almost like you’ve opened up a door to a brand new life.”
And as I was reading in the book of Luke 4:18-19, these were the words of Jesus, “God’s spirit is on me; He’s chose me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind. To set the burdened & battered free. To announce, “This is God’s year to act!”
Amen! May this be a prayer for all of us this New Year! In the NLT, verse 19 reads, “The time of the Lord’s favor has come.”
Yesterday, on the flight from Dubai to Entebbe, we made a stop at Addis Ababa. The checking in was a little crazy. People were not listening to the woman trying to control the flow of people boarding the plane. She announced that they would board by zones. This way they board from back to front. No one seemed to listen to her. There was a flood of people that tried to make “Zone H” into “Zone B!” I finally got to my seat and settled in waiting to see who would occupy the seats next to me. I think I got bumped and hit more by people going down the aisle than all my flights combined! I felt like I was in the bumper car ride at the county fair! I even had a person drop their carry-on on my toe!
The lady sitting across the aisle from me was in the wrong seat. The gentleman tried to tell her that she needed to move. At first glance, it looked like she was being extremely rude. She appeared to not want to listen to him. He finally got a flight attendant to help. Turns out…she was to sit next to me!
As she settled in, she didn’t converse much. But then as she had trouble getting her seat belt to buckle, I leaned over to help her. She quietly acknowledged with a nod “thanks.” Then after takeoff she couldn’t get the tray to open. So I leaned over to help her. Again, just another nod. But then when the flight attendant came to ask if we wanted a soft drink or juice, the woman next to me tapped me on the shoulder and said, “coke, pepsi.” To my surprise, the flight attendant said, “which one? I have both.” The woman said to me, “Miranda” which is a local soda in Uganda. I knew that much and told her…no Miranda…and she nodded and took a pepsi. That broke the ice and she finally tapped me again and said, “You American?” This began one of the most interesting flights I have had. She is from Ethoipia and speaks basically only Arabic. She tried to tell me how she cleans houses, she is not happy, very sad, someone is not nice to her. We were able to communicate that much because she started using “sign language” in a sense to convey her story. She would sign “tears” coming down her face to tell me that she was sad. She told me someone was “not good.” She made the sign for “house” that I understood she does some cleaning.
When we received our landing cards, she asked if I would help her fill it out. Now that was a challenge! Imagine her speaking Arabic & I asking her in English, “What is your occupation?” “What is your purpose for your visit?” But we were successful because half way through our struggle, I saw on the back of the card the same questions in Arabic! God used that to show me what to do! The questions I could not answer from her passport, I counted the number of the question in English and matched it with the Arabic and pointed to her! Amazingly enough…it worked! There was another young man sitting next to her next to the window. The whole time he remained quiet as well. But towards the end of the flight, he saw she was not watching anything on the entertainment screen. He quietly leaned over and turned on the flight information so she could watch the flight in progress.
It was difficult to not be able to talk to her with words about God. But I pray that the Holy Spirit revealed to her the truth by actions. I gave her one of my necklaces that I pray God will use to remember our visit on the plane. She almost did not take it but then said, “thank you.” When she got off the plane at Addis Ababa, she gave me a big hug and kisses on the cheek. Her name is LemLem. Please keep her in your prayers.
This was a great lesson in not pre-judging someone. She wasn’t being rude in her actions. She just didn’t know any English and did not know what people were saying to her. She ended up being one of the sweetest young ladies I have met on an airplane.
I now am in my normal “house” of room 35! I now feel like I am in my home in Uganda.
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