Friday, January 6, 2012

Chapter 13 Update #4

January 4, 2012

Raining Hope Uganda Trip
December 28, 2011-January 11, 2012
Chapter 13 – Update #4

The past two days have just flown by. After morning devotions on Monday, I took a boda boda ride (local motor bike transport) to town. I was able to go to the bank & also visit with friends. One of my shop friends, Faith, said that I was her first customer for the new year! The next day I saw her again. She told me the rest of the day she had a lot of business! She gives God all the credit and believes that He is going to bless her this new year!

I had our other friend, Chris, drive me back to the hotel when I was done. What is funny is he has not seen Pastor Paul for quite some time. So he began asking me how Paul and each one of his children were doing. As I gave him a report of each one I said, “Seems funny that I am the one updating you on how people here in Uganda are doing! He got a good laugh out of that!

The conference on Monday went very well. Amazing Grace Worship Center is a small church in Bukaya. Pastor Richard, Godfrey and I were able to spend a good amount of time before the meeting started sharing about the church. They have a congregation of about 75-100 people. He had amazing stories about how the hand of God has been upon them.

This church loves our children at Raining Hope Children’s Home. They have adopted the children as their own. In fact, this year this church has decided to give their 10% tithe to the work of our home! They truly believe in ministries becoming self-sustainable, not just relying on money coming from America. They believe the Lord is leading them to invest in this way towards the home. Praise the Lord!

Please be in prayer for the conference. We know great things are going to happen. The enemy is trying to distract us. Godfrey is the first speaker and I close the meeting. On the first day, as soon as Godfrey had stepped down from the podium, his daughter, Jemimah came to talk with him. He stepped out for a few moments with her. Annet had also left a few minutes before Godfrey.

Just as I was to being presented to speak, Godfrey came to tell me that Jael, their 2 year old daughter had wandered off. To put your mind at ease, I will give you the end of the story first, she was found. They were all out searching for her. He told me to continue and he would be back. Imagine, I am just about to speak, knowing that one of our children was missing. I was momentarily at a loss.

I had the pastor pray before we went any further. As soon as we said, “amen” Godfrey walked in with Jael in his arms! The lost had been found.

Things are much different here in Africa as I see young children like this all the time walking by themselves or with a sibling. But even Godfrey said, “But not my child, Lord.”

The enemy tried to cause confusion but was not successful. But it confirmed to us that God is going to do something great in our midst. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to share God’s Word this week.

An amazing thing happened after we left on Monday. Pastor Richard shared that a person who was possessed entered the church. They prayed over him to be released from the evil spirit. In that time, there was also a group of people from another faith that entered. Fifteen of these people accepted Jesus as their Savior! Praise the Lord!

We have prayed that God’s Holy Spirit would hover over the church the entire week like a “cloud by day” and “fire by night.” It was so exciting to hear when we started the conference yesterday what God had done the night before! God never slumbers! He is always at work!

By time I reach the hotel at night it is about 8 pm. I have been falling asleep as soon as I hit the room! My pattern is I wake up at 3 am to continue studying for the conference. So between 4 pm-8 pm California time is a great time to remember me in your prayers as I study!

It has only been six months since I was here last. Yet so much seems to have changed. For those that have traveled here with me before, I know you can picture these scenes:

There is a brand new clock tower like one in Kampala at the round a bout at the edge of Jinja town!

The local market in Jinja has been relocated! They apparently are building a new “mall” in the old location. The “temporary” market is just around the corner.

“Indulge” one of our favorite restaurants in town is no longer there! I know that will make Brandi & Kurt (our couple who stayed in Uganda for 5 months for us) very sad! more milkshakes!

Farida, the housekeeping manager is now the front desk manager!

Because of the new dam that is built on the Nile, Bujagali Falls in now an area of very still water. There is no longer the roaring rapids we have been amazed by. We knew that when the dam was built this day was coming. So my CBU ISP team of 2011 was the last team to experience Bujagali Falls. That is the saddest of the changes that I have seen.

More of the children at Raining Hope are starting to come home! By the end of the week, most of them should be back. We will then have our New Year’s celebration as a family!

Please keep Godfrey & I in your prayers the rest of the week. The times are 3 pm-7 pm, but we are running on Ugandan time. It is actually more like 4 pm-8 pm (5 am-9 am PST). We have a time of worship & prayer. Godfrey speaks first and I follow him and close the session.

We are both sharing about being “chosen.” I am focusing on being daughters & sons of the King. Today I am sharing about Jesus feeding the 5000. I was just listening to the song that I am going to share, “Blessed & Broken.” The song talks about how Jesus takes 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish yet feeds over 5000 with it! The little boy first wonders, “Is it enough?”

On Monday when I was in town, a young boy came up to me who I have seen many times. He said he was hungry. Unlike others, he didn’t ask me for money. He asked if I would buy him some bread. This was actually the first time that I took one of the street kids into a store and purchased food. We bought 2 loaves of bread & 2 boxes of juice. He told me that he was going to share it with his friends. I thought of this young boy as I listened to the song. The needs here in Uganda are so huge. There are many people that are hungry. Will two loaves be enough to feed who know how many people he was going to share with. Five loaves were enough when blessed by Jesus.

Your prayer support & financial support is helping to feed the multitudes. Thank you.

Our theme is 1 Peter 2:9,  “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  you are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 

1 Samuel 12:16 , “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.”    


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