Friday, May 8, 2015

Chapter 19 - Update #12 - May 7, 2015

I sat here to write the last update, but just received word on a few of the prayer requests from the last email.  So first I want to give you a praise and prayer report!  

  1. The children are healing from the recent outbreak of typhoid.  Godfrey said that Irene’s (his wife) father and Zuluta’s dad came close to dying because of the disease.  But they were able to receive treatment and are healing.  The increase in the disease is also because they are in the midst of rainy season so the water gets contaminated more easily. 
  2. We have had a donation made towards purchasing the water cooler for the children! Special thanks to cousin, Diane & Matt Lombardi who provided the funds so we can go ahead and begin the process of getting safe drinking water to our children.  Thank you, Matt & Diane for your care and concern!   I have asked Godfrey how much it will cost per month to provide the water for the tank.  The estimate is $3 a day so for the month about $90.  We will need to add this cost into our monthly budget so we can make sure that the children are getting safe water.  
  3. Annet’s back problems have to do with her vertebra.  He said the doctor has told her “that some bone is moving downwards from its position.  The last time treatment wasn't sufficient & she was put on drugs and calcium supplements. She was not sleeping because of the pain.  When he returned her to hospital, the back still had problems, so she is supposed to be raised on bed for three weeks to try restore the bone to its position.” They have given her a “corset” to help support her back with some improved medication.  They want her to stay in bed with her legs elevated.  She is in pain and can’t walk up straight.   Please keep Annet in your prayers.  The treatment with corset, medicines, hospital costs, will be around $225 to make sure that Annet gets all the medical care needed.  The hospital is willing to let them make these payments on installments.  Pray that this treatment will be all that is needed to take care of this back issue.  Annet is instrumental in the music program for not only for our children but for the church.  She moves so much as she worships that I know this is difficult for her to be bedridden and in such pain.  
  4. Continue to pray for us as we need to pay the house off in full by June 6th.  We only need $15,000 more to have the house fully paid for !!!   
  5. A praise...I recently posted a photo of Godfrey with a large group of children next to our van.  I asked him who all these little children were.  He said that the Raining Hope children were ministering to children in Mailo Mbiri near Jinja.  He was taking a few of our children home to see their families during the break and always ministers to the children of that village.  This time he took the Raining Hope children to minister as well.  One of our older children, Joan led a song about “God loves me and I love you!”   I just love this!  Our children are beginning to go out and spread His love to others!   

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