Thursday, January 28, 2016

Chapter 21 - Update #9 - Friday

Friday morning I had a quick breakfast and then went down to lead the morning devotions for the hotel.  I am summarizing what I am teaching during the conference and it is having an impact on the hotel workers.  We have really grown together spiritually during this time as we share God’s Word together. 

I spent the rest of the morning preparing and studying for the last day of the conference.  I took a break at lunch time to cook with my friend, Mutete who does my favorite Chinese food cooking.  It has turned into a ministry time for me to work alongside him in the he makes my favorite dishes. 

Godfrey and I ran into town on the way to the house that afternoon just to pick up a couple of items.  We had great expectation that God was going to do something significant in the last session.

We concluded the conference in glorious praise and worship to our God.  The Raining Hope Praise Team did a Nigerian song that has become one of my favorites!  They choreographed a dance to the song ... and it was definitely a celebration!    We had some new people attend.  Esther from the hotel came today after she got off work.  We were extremely blessed by all those that came.

My time of sharing was focused on Jeremiah 17:7-8 as we wrapped up the week.  It mainly focused on being planted by streams of Living Water and our roots going down deep.  So much happened in the hour that I spoke.  All I will say about this time is what happened during the time of invitation.  Godfrey validated & summarized what we learned all week.  He called for a time of commitment for those who were ready to deepen their roots and draw close to Him.  It was a beautiful site to see all of our children raise their hands to the Lord. Godfrey led a time of prayer as they committed their lives to following Him alone & deepening their roots.   I wish I could share everything that was in Godfrey’s pray as he prayed.  They were not all raising their hands following the others. They individually were making their own commitment.  I watched as each one was fervently praying to the Lord.  What a beautiful moment of commitment. 

I had SIGNIFICANT conversations with many of the kids who came to me personally the rest of the weekend. They all had the common theme that they were either told they were not good enough or to not reach for their dreams.  I can’t even express what each one told me.  Each conversation highly encouraged me that GOD is the one making the difference in their hearts. 

Godfrey’s comment after the conference was this, “This conference was for our children.  It is preparing them for what is to come.  They had to be prepared to go out and tell others about Jesus.  This is what they needed.” 

Something happened through this conference.  Something is happening at Raining Hope.  Simply, Jesus truly is alive at Raining Hope. 

Thank you for praying.  Thank you for supporting me through this process.  The children all love you and are thankful for each one of you.  We continue to pray for the miraculous.  All of this can only be explained by Him. 

mama eydie kisakye 

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