Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Uganda Trip - Chapter 14 Update #3

Raining Hope Chapter 14 Update #3

The last few days have been AMAZING!  We spent the last three days conducting a Bible school at Cornerstone Church in the village of Kakira.  They were not sure how many children would show up.  Because school is in session, there was a possibility we would not have many come until after 5 pm.  The first day we started with approximately 70 children!  By time we concluded that day at 6 pm there were close to 175!  The amount of children steadily increased over the three days.  We were overwhelmed on the last day as we had close to 300 children!  One of our pastors walked in and said to me, “Where did all of these children come from?!”  The best news is when Pastor Paul came to lead in a prayer of commitment, 111 children prayed to give their lives to Jesus!  Praise the Lord!  Pastor Paul then had a time of instruction for the children as to what it means to now be a child of God.  
The team has also experienced walking through the local market.  It was a culturally eye-opening experience for each one.  As we bought the food for cooking our meals at the home, they each took in the sights, sounds, & smells of Jinja Market!  We have many stories we are coming home with about chickens, meat & even my little personal fan!  For my friends and family that I see upon my return, remember to ask me about Jinja Market! 
We have had GREAT times at Raining Hope Children’s Home each evening after Bible school.  While Annet & I are cooking the supper, the team has time to be with the children.  Even after a long day of ministry, they become energized after spending the couple of hours with the children.  The team seems to be loving the food at the home!  They said it has been their favorite so far.  Annet & I are being encouraged to open our own restaurant!  The team wants it to be in Riverside, specifically on campus.  Actually one of the girls said it should be in her apartment! Ha! 
Continue to pray for the health of the team.  The team is overall doing well.  There are a few experiencing the common traveler’s diarrhea.  All in all we are doing well.  Please keep praying. 

We celebrated Jessica’s birthday yesterday Ugandan style!  It was important for her to have her team support & encourage her as she missed being with her family for her birthday.  
I again leave you with thoughts directly from the students: 
Nichole:  Greetings from Uganda!  Working with the children in the village has already been life-changing.  It reminds me everyday why we are here.  The kids in the home are beautiful and their hearts for the Lord challenge me in my pursuit of the Lord.  Your notes of encouragement help so much.  I love you all very much with all my heart.  
Teslan:  Hello everyone!  It has been a wonderful week so far.  I can’t even explain how the kids here are on fire for the Lord.  It’s very exciting!  Please be praying for health and openness to God’s guidance.  To my family:  I miss and love you so much!  Thank you so much for your encouragement. 
Elizabeth:  Hello everyone!  I cannot believe it has been one week.  It has been an amazing journey so far.  God has been faithful in revealing himself to our team through Vacation Bible School, being at Raining Hope and through prayer.  I know this is only the beginning for what He has in store for us.  Thank you for praying.  It means so much to me.  I love you all very much.  
Tessa:  Hello!  This first week in Uganda has been amazing!  It is so great to see all of the ways God is working here.  He is very present in many of the people we encounter and all of the children at Raining Hope.  We are learning a lot about joy from them.  Thank you for praying for us!  
Meghan:  Hello!  So one week in Uganda has passed and truly it has been a great experience.  I’m learning a lot and really enjoying my time with the children.  I miss you all and I am hoping you are all well.  Thank you for all your prayers and support.  We really appreciate it!  
Melissa:  Uganda just keeps getting better.  There is so much peace and joy the people demonstrate to us that it is infectious!  I am so happy to be here and learn from all of the relationships I am making.  Keep praying for us.  Love you all! 
Jessica:  Hello!  Uganda is such a joyful and wonderful place.  The Vacation Bible School is going well and I am very much enjoying ministering to the children.  It’s only been a week and I have already fallen in love with the kids at the home.  I am doing very well.  Thank you for your prayers.  
Brittani:  I can’t believe it’s been a week since we left California.  I am so thankful for the encouraging notes from friends and family.  Knowing that I have people back home praying for me has helped me push through.  God is so good.  He has been showing me invaluable treasures through the Ugandan people. My health has been good which is a real blessing. I love you all back at home.  Mom, dad, grandpa, grandma & James.  Don’t worry, I am in the best hands!  Please keep me lifted up in prayer as I work through surrendering control and trusting that God’s plan for me is a hopeful future not of harm.  Love mucho, mucho! 
Camille:  Praise God for His goodness!  The prayers of everyone are heard by God.  He is blessing us in so many ways.  The team is growing even more together as one.  Vacation Bible School has been wonderful.  God has been showing me His heart.  It is overwhelming to be a part of God’s plan.  I could never thank Him enough for using me. 
Katie:  Hello all!  Thus far, the journey to Uganda has been an adventure to say the least!  I have been so blessed by all the people we are meeting here.  Vacation Bible School has been a blast!  The children of Raining Hope are full of joy from the Lord.  I also got to take a trip to the doctor &  discovered that I have acid reflex.   So mom, you were right.  You can get sick from eating too many strawberries! 
Eydie:  We appreciate your prayers.  Things are happening that can only be explained by God.  Pray for our Women’s Conference at Cornerstone for the next three days.  We love & miss you all! 
We still are in need of close to $1,500 for additional bills and supplies.  Our treasurer will have to wire money by Thursday in order for me to receive it to take care of various needs before the team leaves.  The money that I came with to help with some of the bills is just about run out.  
We had one person send money to help buy the children needed sandals.  Yesterday, one of my children escorted us to the hotel and she was only wearing one sandal...and that one was broken.  Thanks to the person who donated the money towards this need.  
If you can help provide any funds, please contact Carol John at carol@raininghope.org or 805-377-7387.  
  1. Continued wisdom & discernment as we trust in the Lord to lead us daily.  Plans change on a continual basis daily.  We just want to follow His plans not ours. 
  2. Pray for each team member as the Holy Spirit is ministering deeply to each one.  They are not the same group of young ladies I met last November.  They are seeking his treasures here in Uganda.  Pray they search diligently and deeply. 
  3. Pray for protection against the enemy.  The team is growing leaps and bounds.  The attacks in the spiritual realm are heavy.  We need your prayers. 
  4. Pray for moving of the Holy Spirit.   
  5. Pray for the continued good health for the team.  A few of the team members are still having health issues.  
  6. Pray for us this week:  (June 4-9) 
Monday:  Sabbath day of rest.  Boat ride to Raining Hope land on Lake Victoria! 
Tuesday:  Ministering in village of Godfrey & Annet’s uncle - Bible school 
Wednesday-Friday:  Amazing Grace Church, Bukaya - ministry to adults & children.  Eydie will be heading up the adult conference.  
 Team will be working with the children. 
Saturday:  Amazing Grace Church - Children Vacation Bible School 
Thank you for being a huge part of our team by keeping us in your prayers!  
We love you all! 
Arriving at Cornerstone Church for VBS

Cornerstone Church

Cornerstone VBS

Cornerstone VBS

Pastor Paul & Shiphrah 

Ruth, Elijah & Ezekiel 

Pastor Paul leading the children in prayer
Accepting Jesus as their Savior! 

Elijah & Ezekiel 
Experiencing Jinja Market! 

Uganda Trip - Chapter 14 Update #2

Raining Hope Chapter 14 Update #2

God is working in ways that can only be explained by Him.  At the end of the day, when we recalled all that happened we stand back in amazement.  
This is the first time I have not been able to send out as many updates as usual.  We actually had the internet go down for a few days and I was not able to access my mail.  Believe me, there is so much to tell!  I will catch you up on all that we are experiencing.  It will be worth the wait if you hang in there with me!  
Since it has been awhile since the first update, I am sending you the insights of the students themselves what they have been experiencing since arriving in Uganda.  We are leaving soon for breakfast then our ministry in a local village.  I will continue to catch you up in the next few days.  I am having a hard time keeping up with all that God is doing!!  So keep on praying for us! 
Nichole:  “These past few days here have been overwhelming & God is moving in mighty ways.  I am in love with the culture and I cannot even put into words how beautiful the children are.  They already have my heart.  Their passion for the Lord is inspiring and they are teaching me far more than I could ever teach them.  I love and miss you all.  Keep praying! 
Jessica:  “Hello from Uganda!  The last few days have been amazing!  The country and the people are absolutely beautiful.  The children at Raining Hope already have my love.  I have never felt more welcomed and loved.  The children have such a passion for God.  I can’t wait to experience the next 3 weeks! 
Teslan:  It’s been a wonderful adventure thus far!  I am overwhelmed by the love that we have been shown by the children at Raining Hope. Uganda is absolutely beautiful and God is moving in mighty ways! 
Brittani:  I cannot even express in words how blessed we have been since arriving here! The Ugandan people have embraced and showered us with more love than I could have ever imagined.  The precious children at Raining Hope are truly beautiful.  Their hearts for the Lord are pure and passionate. I am humbled by our experiences as a team and am excited to see what is in store for us the next couple of weeks.  A treasure I learned from the kids is this,  “God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good and that’s His nature, WOW!”  P.S.  I have never experience such authentic worship in my whole life!  Being a part of their worship services has been incredible! 
Tessa:  God is truly blessing our time here in Uganda!  He is working in us in amazing ways!  The children of Raining Hope and all the Uganda people are huge blessings to us! 
Melissa:  It has only been 2 days in Uganda and God is already blessing our team.  The people and the children are beautiful.  They demonstrate God’s love from the moment you meet them.  I feel so privileged to be able to meet the children. 
Katie:  I am feeling so blessed by this beautiful place.  The people are amazing, the sky is blue and God is good.  One word I believe describes the people here is JOY.  Everyone radiates with the love of Christ and their worship is authentic in every way.  We got to meet the kids at Raining Hope today and that was unbelievable!  They loved on us & we loved on them.  They taught us new games & I even danced!  I can’t wait to see how God is going to continue to work here! 
Elizabeth:  God is so good!  I have fallen in love with Uganda and the people.  The Holy Spirit’s presence is so real here.   It is so exciting to encounter Him during the journey.  I already feel myself being transformed by the relationships we are building with the people and our team!  It has been an amazing journey so far! 
Meghan:  Hello everyone!  So far into our journey of Uganda, I have been so blessed.  God has shown me assurance in answering my prayers.  Uganda has shed such a light of love and peace.  My biggest highlights so far have been reading my support letters and meeting the kids of Raining Hope.  I am so thankful to be a part of this team! 
Camille:  I am overwhelmed by God’s goodness in the team, in Vacation Bible School, & in the home.  God is good!  I am so thankful for the blessing of being a part of His plan.  
Eydie:  My heart is overflowing with peace, joy & thankfulness.  Continue with us on our journey as we “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.”  I Samuel 12:16   
Team shopping in Jinja Town 

Raining Hope Children's Home

Raining Hope Children Praising the Lord!

Annet (Manager/House parent) 

Uganda Trip - Chapter 14 Update #1 - May 29, 2012

Chapter 14 - Update #1 - May 29, 2012 
Hello friends & family from Uganda!  
For those who are new to my updates, I am on my 14th trip to Uganda in 5 years.  I have entitled each set of updates according to the number of the trip.  So appropriately this is chapter 14 in my story of my life in Uganda!   There are some pictures at the end of the blog so make sure you read through until the end! 
We have only been here for a few short days, yet we have watched the Lord work in amazing ways!    We had great flights out of both Los Angeles and London.  We met a young man in the London airport who was returning home to Kampala to visit family.  It turns out that he is from Riverside!   Another young lady commented on my Ugandan clothes.  She is a singer and was traveling to South Africa.  As a performer she is always looking for unique clothing.  As we talked, I discovered that she was from Brazil but living in San Diego!   
The whole team did well with the long flights, but were very anxious to get to our destination!  As they looked out the windows and could see the land of Uganda, they immediately noticed the difference from peering out the window approaching London.  As soon our feet landed on Ugandan soil, the eyes of our team have been wide opened to the beauty of this country and the people.  They enjoyed the 2 1/2 hour drive from Entebbe to Jinja soaking in all of the sights around them.  We stopped for our traditional chicken on a stick and roasted bananas.  I always love watching their eyes as we pass around the chicken!  
As we approached the Nile River signaling we are only moments away from our hotel, the anticipation continued to grow.  After months of training, the day has finally arrived!  As we arrived at our hotel we were warmly greeted by the staff who are now my family.  The team immediately noticed how friendly and hospitable everyone was.  We spent the rest of Friday just getting settled in and adjusting to the new surroundings.  
I have been pleasantly surprised on this journey by the news of 2 of my friends pregnancies!  When I went into the business center of the hotel, my friend, Apophia rose up from behind the desk to greet me.  The joy I felt inside when I saw she was pregnant was overwhelming!  When we went into town on Saturday, I was again surprised when we walked into Rita’s shop.  Rita is the one who paints the batik clothes that we sell.  She too rose up from the back room and revealed that she was pregnant!  Rita is expecting within the next two weeks!  Hopefully we will still be here when the blessed day arrives!  
This seems to be the trip that new babies and new life are the theme.  Pastor Paul’s wife, Margaret gave birth to a baby girl just last Tuesday!   Their new daughter’s name is Keren named after the 3rd daughter of Job in the Bible (Job 42:14).  I saw her yesterday for a brief moment.  She is PRECIOUS!  
Sunday we worshipped at Revival Christian Church (RCC) that is the home of many of the staff members of the hotel we stay in. The team LOVED the authentic worship of the Ugandans.  It was exciting to be with the church as it marked the last Sunday they will be in this facility.  They have acquired land and are meeting in their new home next Sunday!  Praise the Lord!  Pray for RCC as they are conducting crusades all this week in anticipation of their first services.
We ministered to the children of RCC during  Sunday School time.  The team did an amazing job in communicating the message that Jesus is the Light.  We had close to 70 children in attendance.  At the end of our time together, the Sunday School teacher gave an opportunity for the children to accept Jesus.  There were 12 children who gave their lives to the Lord!  In the midst of all of this, we had a DOWNPOUR of rain!  It was so powerful that we had a hard time hearing one another as the rain hit the tin roof we were ministering under!  Most of our team members have never experienced rain quite like this.  Since arriving we have had tremendous rain in the evening, along with powerful thunder and lightening.  During the day we are having beautiful springlike weather!  God is good!  
Monday we were able to go to the Source of the Nile.  As one of our Sabbath days of rest, we took the morning to just appreciate the beauty of His creation.  It is so powerful &  inspiring to stand at the shores of the river Nile.  All of the Bible stories of Moses and the Nile just come to life when you actually can touch the waters!  Part of a devotion I share with the team talks about how the Nile river provides life for fish, birds, reptiles, trees, crops & people.  Everyday from the beginning of recorded history until now, communities of people from Uganda to Egypt have come down to these waters to take part in the life it gives.  However, in 1862 John Hanning Speake completed his quest to find the source of the Nile river.  He would stop at nothing to find the source of the Nile River.  In the same way, I am watching the team stop at nothing to seek the Source of life.  They are seeking to open their eyes to the wonder of God.  The challenge of this devotion from the Source Cafe is this... “Seek the source of Life in all that you do, whether in America or Uganda, city or village.  My team is doing just that.  
We will be working with Cornerstone Church all this week conducting Vacation Bible School,  Monday-Wednesday from 3 pm-6 pm.  The challenge we are facing is that the children are all back in school.  We were not sure how many to expect.  But at the beginning of the VBS we had approximately 70 children!  As the afternoon continued on more children began showing up.  By time we concluded at 6 pm we had between 175-200 children!  Praise the Lord!    Thursday-Saturday we will conclude our time at Cornerstone with a Women’s Conference.   Please pray for wisdom & discernment.  Pray for the hearts of the people who will be attending.  Pray for decisions to be made for Christ.  Pray for the team to adjust to the differences in the culture and the language barriers.  We are so thankful for our interpreters!  But just think how hard it is to try to translate “Duck, duck goose” or “Ring around the Rosy” when we are playing games!  Ha!  
It was also a privilege to minister in Cornerstone’s newly completed renovated building!  They finally were able to construct the top part of the church.  For years we have been ministering in the bottom level (what we would think of as a basement).  The new building is bigger, spacious with a cool breeze flowing through.  In the lower part of the building it was hot many times as the air would not circulate through as easily.  It is so humbling to stand in the place of answered prayer! 
The highlight of the weekend was visiting Raining Hope Children’s Home!  We were greeted enthusiastically & joyfully by the children!  As the team exited the van, they were each greeted by 2 or 3 hugs at a time!  It was joy for me to watch the children love on the team.  As we entered the house to have a time of welcome and introductions, I was overwhelming surprised by our Raining Hope Children’s Choir.  They 27 voices beautifully lifted up a strong & powerful welcome song to the visitors.  They also created a new “Raining Hope” song that they unveiled to the team.  I had a difficult time holding back the tears.  We sang, we danced, we worshipped, we loved.  
Our children attend school Monday through Friday from 6 or 7 am (depending on the age group) until 5 pm at night.  The team LOVES being at the home and would desire to be with the children more.  But they understand that it is out of our hands.  We are finding that the 2-3 hours we are at Raining Hope are so jam packed with quality time together.  We leave wanting to be with them more!  So the team is taking a difficult situation and turning it into a positive!  
Thank you for your prayers and your support.  The day that I sent the last update out concerning the current needs, close to $1,000 was sent to Raining Hope!  The wire has arrived here and we are busy paying for school fees and supplies.  It was nice to walk into the house and have electricity!   
We still are in need of close to $1,500 for additional bills and supplies.  Yesterday some of my children escorted us back to the hotel.  I had noticed one of the children did not have any sandals.  As I inquired about it she said, “Our shoes are over” meaning that they are all worn out and unusable.  The money that is needed is for my buying necessities such as sandals for all of the children.  Even without, the children are so full of joy just to have the visitors in their midst!   They are truly an inspiration and a treasure. 
  1. Continued wisdom & discernment as we trust in the Lord to lead us daily.  Plans change on a continual basis daily.  We just want to follow His plans not ours. 
  2. Pray for each team member as the Holy Spirit is ministering deeply to each one.  They are not the same group of young ladies I met last November.  They are seeking his treasures here in Uganda.  Pray they search diligently and deeply. 
  3. Pray for moving of the Holy Spirit.  Yesterday it was the windiest I have ever experienced at the Source of the Nile!  It was exciting for us as we thought of the words of in a song, “Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree.  Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.”  We truly stood there and felt His presence rushing like the wind!  
  4. Pray for the continued good health for the team.  A few of the team members are adjusting to malaria medicine etc.  Pray that we stay healthy.  
  5. Pray for the funds to purchase supplies.  If you can help with any of this, please contact Carol John at carol@raininghope.com or 805-377-7387.  
In the next update you will hear directly for the team members what their insights have been since arriving in Uganda! 
Thank you for your prayers!  We love you all! 
Revival Christian Center VBS

Raining Hope Children's Choir

Cornerstone Church VBS

Cornerstone Church new building 

CBU International Service Project Team Uganda Children May 23-June 13, 2012

Eydie & Shiphrah (Pastor Paul's daughter)

Eydie & Rita (expecting any day now!)

Eydie & Apophia (expecting later this year) 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Raining Hope Update & Prayer May 2012

Raining Hope Garage Sale - This Saturday, May 5th 
Time:  8 am - 12 noon 
Place:  Home of Carol John - 507 Fernwood Drive, Oxnard CA 93030 
We are still in need of raising the last amount for the rent in Uganda.  The school fees for the next term will also be due in the next couple of weeks. I will be in Riverside for CBU’s graduation.  Carol is hosting this garage sale to help raise funds for these immediate needs.  Please stop by and say hello!
California Baptist University Graduation - Saturday, May 5th - 9:00 am 
I have six former ISP team members graduating this Saturday!  (Jordan, Shay, Lynell, Ashleigh, Meredith & Lizzy)   
Three of my current ISP team members are graduating as well! (Brittani, Elizabeth & Nichole)  Congratulations to the Class of 2012! 
Reminder:  International Service Project Uganda Children’s Team
Dates:  May 23-June 14, 2012 
Pray for my 10 team members:  Camille (co-student leader), Nichole, Elizabeth, Katie, Brittani, Teslan, Jessica, Melissa, Meghan, & Tessa.
The team will leave Uganda on June 13th to return home.  I have a graduate student, April Dominguez arriving that day to do research work on education in Uganda.  I will be working with her for 1 week.  I will also be doing research for the use of the LCIF grant.
April & I depart Uganda on June 19th.  April will return home.  I will fly to Busan, Korea for the Lions Clubs International Convention to interpret for the deaf.  I return home to California on June 27th.
Pray for the senior pastor, Kirk Dewitt & his family.  They are traveling to Kenya and Uganda in the month of June.  We have arranged for them to come and visit our children at Raining Hope right before I leave for Busan! 
Praise the Lord!
Updated Schedule:  
  1. Thursday, May 3rd - 12 noon-1 pm - National Day of Prayer - Ventura County Government Center - 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura.  At the main fountain between the Hall of Justice & the Administration Building.  Interpreting for the deaf.  Kiana will be with a mime team that is performing one song.  
  2. Sunday,  May 6th - First services for the church on Saticoy Avenue - 10 am!  My home church, Conejo Church is expanding!  We are starting a new work in Saticoy.  The first services are this Sunday!  Please keep us in your prayers.  Address is 1045 South Saticoy Avenue.  
  3. Saturday, May 19th - 12 noon-1:30 pm - Grace Bible Church - 951 West 5th Street, Oxnard - Women’s Tea 
  4. Sunday, July 15th - 10:30 am - Faith Baptist Church - Santa Barbara 
  5. Monday, July 16th through Friday July 20th - 9:00 am-12:30 pm - First Baptist Church of Carpenteria.  The church has invited me to share with the children during their Vacation Bible School that week.  They have adopted me as their missionary for the week.  I will speak on Monday at 11 am.  
If you would like for me to come to your church or your ministry when I return, please let me know!  I would love to come and share what God is doing in Uganda!  
Prayer Requests: 
  1. Most immediate need is still for rent.  The rent on our building in Uganda is currently $500 a month.  The landlord recently raised the rent $100.   We are in need of paying for the months of April, May & June.  We have $1000 but are $500 short.  
  1. I will be sending out a specific prayer request letter before leaving for Uganda. If you are interested in being a part of our 24 hour prayer chain, please indicate so by responding to this email.  
  1. Pray for our children.  The names of our children are: Vivian, Frank, Doreen, Esther, Henry, Florence, Tabitha, Jonathan, Joel, Sharon, Ronald, Shamim, Sofia, Tamaly, Mary, Zuluta, Abudala, Difasi, Joan, Shamim, Elijah, Hillary, Joan, Ritah, Barbara, Dan & Emma   Reminder: If you would like to send a note to our children, please get them to Eydie before the weekend of May 19th.  If you want to email a note, you can send that anytime up to the departure date of May 23rd. 
  2. Special Needs:  The MOB office allows me to take extra luggage to Uganda on this ISP journey to bring supplies to Raining Hope Children’s Home.  If you can help with any of these items, please contact me as soon as possible.
      1. Luggage - We need donated pieces of luggage to bring our supplies.  We leave these suitcases in Uganda.  They get put to much needed use by our Ugandan friends.  
      2. We are in need of any used laptop computers that you may want to donate.  This helps some of our workers out in their school work.  
      3. If anyone has an old ipod they would like to donate, we could use them in the home as well.    
If you would like to make a donation:
1)    Website:  www.raininghope.org.  You can make a donation online using a major credit card.  All donations are tax-deductible. 
2)    Mail a check to:  Raining Hope Inc.  3451 Foothill Road #206, Ventura, CA 93003
Or send it to my address at 8823 Denver Street, Ventura, CA 93004.  All checks should be made out to Raining Hope Inc.
3)    If you have questions you can contact me at 805-340-7612 or contact our treasurer, Carol John at 805-377-7387. 
Most of all, I appreciate your continued prayers!  

Update & Prayer Requests April 2012

April 2012 (We are in the middle of updating the blog & the website. These are past emails that had not been posted to the blog.)  

Happy Easter to all! Thank you for your prayers and support for our children. Last month I had an opportunity to speak at a Women’s Symposium for the Lions District 4-C4. It was held at Oracle in Redwood City. My subject was bridges in communication as I have served as the sign language interpreter for Lions Clubs International. This summer will be my 25th year of service! I also shared about our work in Uganda with the children of Raining Hope! Another highlight was hearing the keynote speaker of the event, Dr. Oz!

I will be speaking at First Baptist Church in Carpenteria on April 29th at the Mission’s Emphasis Sunday. I will also speak at a Women’s Tea in Oxnard in May before leaving for Uganda. We are currently working on updating our website with a new look! Joanna Waterfall has come up with some great new ideas! We will have it up and running soon!   

Prayer Requests: 

Most immediate need is for the rent - The rent on our building in Uganda is currently $400 a month. We are in need of paying for the months of April, May & June. Please pray as the landlord is requiring the 3 months of rent immediately.

Pray for our regular everyday needs - Our children are all in school. We were able to pay all of the necessary fees. We are now short on food supplies as well as utilities bills.

Pray for my ISP team - We are in the home stretch of training! Hard to believe that we only have 4 more training sessions! My team has currently raised 74% of their funds! The dates of our trip are May 23-June 13. Please continue to be in prayer for us during this time of preparation. Unfortunately I had one team member that had to drop out due to not meeting the first financial deadline. Currently we have 11 on our team. We had a successful fundraiser on April 6th in Riverside at Chick-Fil-A! The restaurant donated 25% towards our team during a 3 hour period for those that specifically came in to support us.

Pray as we will begin to proceed with using the land immediately to begin growing crops. First steps will be to look at the land and determine what structures we will build. As we determine how best to use the land, we can begin now planting crops to use for our food supply. We can also become more self sustainable by selling the food to locally raise money.

We are in need of immediate funds as my manager just wrote and said we are running out of food.

If you would like to make a donation:
1)    Website:  www.raininghope.org.  You can make a donation online using a major credit card.  All donations are tax-deductible.
2)    Mail a check to:  Raining Hope Inc.  3451 Foothill Road #206, Ventura, CA 93003 Or send it to my address at 8823 Denver Street, Ventura, CA 93004. All checks should be made out to Raining Hope Inc.
3)    If you have questions you can contact me at 805-340-7612 or contact our treasurer, Carol John at 805-377-7387.    Most of all, I appreciate your continued prayers.  
Kale, Eydie

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5x7 Folded Card

Lovely Branches Pink 5x7 folded card
Check out our modern shower invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Update & Prayer Request January 2012

Raining Hope
Update & Prayer Requests – January 2012

Thank you for joining me on my 13th trip to Uganda! I continue to stand amazed at all the Lord did!

Prayer Requests:
Most immediate need is for the rent - We are in need of the first 3 months of rent ($1200). If we can raise 6 months worth that would be even better ($2,400). We would like to honor our landlord by paying for as much as the year as possible.

Pray for the school fees for the first term - Our children are so happy they are in school. We have had some promote from primary school (elementary) to secondary (jr.high/high school). Because of the promotions, we need to raise a little more to cover the costs. We need approximately $1,000 to allow the 27 children we have to begin school in two weeks.

Pray for direction as we seek to start a building fund campaign - We believe the Lord is leading us this year to begin our building fund campaign. We have the land. We just need the funds to begin building. We would save on rent money if we could be on our own property. Pray for direction & wisdom on how to proceed with the raising of the money for this campaign.

Pray as we will begin to proceed with using the land immediately to begin growing crops. First steps will be to look at the land and determine what structures we will build. As we determine how best to use the land, we can begin now planting crops to use for our food supply. We can also become more self sustainable by selling the food to locally raise money.


Reminder about the Avon Fundraiser - My cousin in San Jose, Tina Shadowens is an Avon representative. She has graciously set up an ongoing fundraiser for Raining Hope. If you go to her website, www.tshad.com and hit the "Online Event" tab, you will see our fundraiser listed. All you need to do is put "raininghope" in the coupon area at check out for us to get credit.

Sit-A-Thon - Our annual Sit-A-Thon is coming! We are working out the place and date. Stay tuned for the big event of the year for Raining Hope!

If you would like to make a donation:
1) Website: www.raininghope.org. You can make a donation online using a major credit card. All donations are tax-deductible.
2) Mail a check to: Raining Hope Inc. 3451 Foothill Road #206, Ventura, CA 93003
Or send it to my address at 8823 Denver Street, Ventura, CA 93004. All checks should be made out to Raining Hope Inc.
3) If you have questions you can contact me at 805-340-7612
or contact our treasurer, Carol John at 805-377-7387.

Most of all, I appreciate your continued prayers.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 13 Update #7

January 16, 2012

Raining Hope Uganda Trip
December 28, 2011-January 11, 2012
Chapter 13 – Update #7

Dear Friends & Family!
I have made it home safely! Since hitting the ground on Wednesday, things have been pretty busy as I had expected.

My flights home were good. It is where I first start experiencing the reverse culture shock of coming back into American culture. That part of it was rough this time. But something that God blessed me with was a fellow friend traveling on the flight from Entebbe to Dubai! One of the sons of the owners of the Hotel Paradise was on the same flight with me! Joe Otile was on his way back home to Texas. We were seated in the same part of the plane only a few rows apart. It was helpful to have someone who understands that process of leaving one home to get back to the other!

Kiana & Carol were waiting at the airport for me Wednesday morning. With rush hour traffic, an arrival of 7:45 am caused them to have their own adventures just trying to get to the airport! They said that when my plane had arrived they were still quite a ways off on the 405 freeway! For those that know the Los Angeles area you know what a challenge traffic can be. They had these visions of me emerging in the arrivals area with my bags...and have no one there to greet me! Thankfully...it took longer than normal through passport control, baggage claim and customs. They were there with their smiling faces and warm hugs to welcome me home!

It was good to see my Wednesday night Bible study group that night at my house. I thought I was going to be able to cook them an African meal...but we opted for ordering pizza instead! Especially since I woke up only 1/2 hour before they all arrived!

Thursday at Disneyland for Kiana’s birthday was a blessing! The weather was perfect! The parks both were not crowded since most students are back in school. We didn’t wait more than 15 minutes for any ride! I think Michael, Kiana and Heather waited just under 1/2 hour for California Screamin’ but they say it was worth it! I had many quiet moments of just walking around marveling that one day I am walking the dirt roads of Uganda...and the next the paved roads of Disneyland. Even though many of you may think we were crazy to be at Disneyland the day after I came home...it was actually a blessing. Just to have a day with my family was huge. Being gone for 2 weeks is always a challenge. I enjoyed just being together with them...even though at times they had to hang onto me and guide me where to go! Ha!

We celebrated that night back in Oxnard with dinner for the birthday girl that also included Carol John & Josh (Kiana’s boyfriend). Friday was a birthday party that included about 50 people most her PTYA friends!

Saturday I spent at California Baptist University for the Collegiate Disaster Relief Training. My part was teaching an introduction to Chaplaincy. It was a blessing to certify approximately 40 more students & staff to be deployed in a disaster. This is only the 2nd time we have done a specialized collegiate division training. CBU is the first in the nation to accomplish this.

Today I travel back to CBU for my Monday night training with my new International Service Project team that I will be taking to Uganda in May. If you could remember me in your prayers on Monday nights from now until May as that is when I make the drive to Riverside. Our training is from 6-9 pm. Pray also for the hours from 9:30 pm-midnight as I drive back to Ventura.

Yes, the coming home process was difficult this time because of the busy schedule. But I was prepared for it...but am looking forward to this coming week. I will have more moments at home to just rest and process all that God has done on this trip.

I will send an update on the needs of the home tomorrow. Please pray for us as we especially are in need of rent ($1,200 for 3 months) & school fees ($1,000) in the next week.

Thank you for journeying together with me on this 13th trip to Uganda. It helps me to know that my friends and family and with me. Thank you for all those who have sent me replies of encouragement and support.

You all mean so much to me. God has blessed me with tremendous friends and family.

I love you all!

1 Peter 2:9,  “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  you are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 

1 Samuel 12:16 , “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.”    

He has done amazing things!


Chapter 13 Update #6

January 10, 2012

Raining Hope Uganda Trip
December 28, 2011-January 11, 2012
Chapter 13 – Update #6

It is hard to believe that it is time for me to come home. My bags are just about packed and I will be on my home soon.
After breakfast and morning devotions, we will be on our way to Entebbe. Here are my flight times for you to keep in prayer:
Emirates Flight 724 Entebbe to Dubai 4:15 pm
Arrive Dubai (Jan 11) 12:35 am
Emirates Flight 217 Dubai (Jan 11) 3:15 am
Arrive Los Angeles (Jan 11) 7:45 am  

Since my last update, the days have moved very fast. I also was not able to be on the internet because of using that time to meet with people. There is so much to tell of what has happened in the past 4 days.

The conference on Saturday was AMAZING! As we finished up our theme of being “chosen” I believe we left with a group of believers knowing who they are as sons and daughters of the King! One person came to me and said, “I am a princess! I am not going to let anyone else tell me any different any more!” Our children were running around with huge smiles on their faces saying, “I am the daughter of the King! I am the son of a King!” What a blessing!

The conference was more of an equipping time as everyone had professed that they were believers. But when the invitation was given, one woman quietly came desiring to accept Jesus as her Savior! What a moment to pray with her to give her life to Christ. The conference ended with a time of prayer of deliverance, healing and blessing. Oh, what a sight to see so many people come to the altar to surrender all to Jesus. We spent close to an hour just in prayer.

Sunday, I rearrange my schedule so we could attend services at Amazing Grace. Pastor Richard desired we be there to celebrate the full week of the conference. So we went to Revival Christian Center to just send greetings. They are also one of my families here in Uganda. A few moments with them in their worship service filled my heart!

It was a good thing we did attend the services at Amazing Grace. I thought Pastor Richard just wanted to recognize the completion of the conference. But as I sat and listened to pastor speak he said, “In just a few moments, our preacher of the week, sister eydie will come and share with us.” Wow! I didn’t realize that I was going to be teaching again that morning. But God is good and the He that spoke as He did all week. I summarized the teachings of the week and we left all knowing that we are sons and daughters of the King. We all desire to seek the heart of the King as we begin this new year.

I have been meeting with various people throughout the weekend as well. An unexpected blessing was one of our pastors who used to be in California, Jim Poorboy, arrived here in Uganda on Friday. He is leading a team of 4 other pastors in a Pastor’s Conference all week. The other 4 pastors are from California.

Since Jim is currently serving as an intentional interim in Kentucky, I have not seen him for quite some time. This is Jim’s third trip to Uganda. I have had great conversations with Jim and his team.

On Saturday, I invited his team to be our guests at the home for a Uganda supper. The children were SO EXCITED to have them as our guests! They prepared a visitors song just for them. They sang, they danced, they signed a song for them which Pastor Paul joined in! We also had a time of worship and prayer. We concluded with a banquet fit for a king prepared for them!!

As I have shared more with the pastors they have asked how they can help. They already blessed us with some school supplies and sweets for the children. Yesterday at breakfast they asked how else they could help. I had just found out from one of our workers that they wanted to purchase 3 goats for the home. The pastors quickly offered to take care of that for us.

God has overwhelmed me the past few days with his provisions. He has provided for the children in ways that we know can only be God.

Yesterday, I spent a long with visiting with Pastor Gerald. What was going to be 15 minutes turned out to be 2 hours! He is filled with such Godly wisdom and insight. He is currently working on a devotion booklet that we will help him put together. Be watching this year for an announcement of that launch. You will want to get a copy of this!

We also spent my last full day for this trip running in town to buy the last minute items I needed. Before returning to the home, I had another new opportunity. We went to visit the home of Godfrey’s aunt & uncle. It was deeper in one of the villages. Godfrey is raising pigs to help his family become more self sustainable. His relatives have given him an area on their land to raise the pigs. They also have given him land to do some farming. He wanted me to see the land as he will use it to help provide food for our children at Raining Hope.

The surprise was as we were leaving, his uncle approached me with a chicken! They presented me with a beautiful chicken for coming to visit them. As I held it in my hands, I was overwhelmed with their generosity. Then the thought came in my head, “Don’t get attached to this chicken as it will probably become the children’s dinner!” Much to my delight, Godfrey said, “No, this chicken lays eggs. They will not kill it!” I was so excited, that I thought, “Wow, my first chicken! Now I can give it a name!”

As we drove home, I said, “I think I want to call my chicken Queen Esther!” They all got a good laugh out of it! But I said, “This chicken has been saved because it has a purpose! Because it will lay eggs, it will live! So let’s call it Queen Esther!” When we arrived at the home, the children were so excited! Turns out, as a chicken that lays eggs, it gets it’s own separate quarters from the other chickens! As they put Queen Esther in the store room, I thought of the teachings of Esther in the Bible. As the chosen candidate to win the King’s approval, she was put in choice area! So Raining Hope now has our own reminder of being chosen...Queen Esther! I have a royal chicken! Who would have ever thought?!

My time at the home was sweet last night with the children. I am on my way to breakfast to meet with the pastors one more time before they leave for the day.

Please keep me in your prayers as I travel. I will update you when I arrive home with more thoughts as I continue to process all that God has done. He truly has done amazing things.

Our daughter, Kiana is celebrating her 18th birthday on Thursday, January 12th! That is why I am leaving today to arrive home in time to celebrate. Pray as we are going to Disneyland on Thursday! We then will have a party for her with her friends and family on Friday. On Saturday I will be leading a session at Disaster Relief Training at CBU. So as you can see, my first few days back will be full. But it will be a blessing to be back home with my family and friends!!!

At the moment, the first International Service Project Team meeting is happening at CBU. Camille Jansen is my co-leader for this year. She is taking the responsibility of the training tonight. Please keep my new team in your prayers.

1 Peter 2:9,  “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  you are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 

1 Samuel 12:16 , “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.”    

He has done amazing things!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Chapter 13 Update #5

January 6, 2012

Raining Hope Uganda Trip
December 28, 2011-January 11, 2012
Chapter 13 – Update #5

We had a very unique opportunity on Wednesday.  Amazing Grace Worship Center where we having our meetings had a baptismal service at the Nile River.  Pastor Richard invited Godfrey & I to assist in the baptisms!  

When we arrived at the church, they had already started the pre-ceremony.  They were instructing the candidates about the meaning of baptism.  Pastor had told me that two “muzungus” (white people) were going to be baptized.  I saw the back of the head of the two girls as they were seated towards the front.  As soon as Pastor dismissed the group so we could leave for the Nile, the girls turned around.   To my amazement, one of the girls said, “Oh, we have been admiring your dresses!”  She then gave me a big hug!  I realized that these two girls are staying at the same hotel I am at.  We have seen each other at breakfast each morning and have just waved and said hello.  It was really a God thing to have us not only show up in the same place, but that I was able to assist in baptizing them both!  Wow!  They had served at Amazing Grace last summer.  They had worked with our children in their Sunday School classes at the church.  We took them by Raining Hope Children’s Home so they could see where the children are staying.  The past two days since then we have had more opportunity to have fellowship at breakfast.  It has been amazing me to see how God brings His children together.  

The baptism experience was amazing.  We went to the River Nile, directly across for the Source of the Nile on the other bank.  What an experience.  When Brandi & Kurt were baptized, we were at Lake Victoria.  The team went out on a boat, while we walk out in the water.  I took video of their baptism.  But this time, Pastor Richard invited Godfrey & I to assist in the baptisms!  There were 4 of us that went into the waters to baptized the 6 candidates.  The four of us stood as one by one each candidate made their way into the waters.  We surrounded the candidate as Godfrey led them in the public profession that they have given their lives to Christ.  Then pastor, the other pastor and myself lowered the person in the water!  As those rose up in newness of life, the others on the shore praised God!  Another pastor who was in the waters with us led us in a round of "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus!"  One by one they came.  One by one they were baptized.  One by one they rose up in newness of life in Christ!   As soon as the last one was baptized, the five of us in the water joined hands and lifted up our voices in prayer in thanksgiving to God!  It was one of those God moments that I was honored to be a part of.  

After they had all changed clothes, the whole group came together on dry ground to offer a prayer up to the Lord dedicating that time back to Him.  It was a precious time.  Not a lot of pomp and circumstance.  Just a time of pure worship to our God.  

We finally have been able to eat our lunches at the home!  Annet and I have been cooking my favorite local food!  Chapati, irish potatoes, beans, french beans, cabbage...yummm!   I know that those of you who have come with me here are missing the great food!  

The conference has been going GREAT!  The ones that are coming are so attentive to His Word.  They are on fire for the Lord.  It is amazing because even the young children participate in the conference.  They sit just as attentively.  Yesterday, the conference ended in a spirit filled time of worship and pray.  Even as we walk out of the building, people are dancing their way out the door!  It is SO refreshing!!   God is doing something in our midst.  Continue to pray today and tomorrow as we finish what the Lord has laid on our hearts to share.  My heart is being stirred as we continue to prepare ourselves as children of the King.  Saturday will be the last day of the conference.  All will culminate on that day with a time of decision and prayer.  Please pray. 

Our theme is 1 Peter 2:9,  “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  you are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 

1 Samuel 12:16 , “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.”    


Chapter 13 Update #4

January 4, 2012

Raining Hope Uganda Trip
December 28, 2011-January 11, 2012
Chapter 13 – Update #4

The past two days have just flown by. After morning devotions on Monday, I took a boda boda ride (local motor bike transport) to town. I was able to go to the bank & also visit with friends. One of my shop friends, Faith, said that I was her first customer for the new year! The next day I saw her again. She told me the rest of the day she had a lot of business! She gives God all the credit and believes that He is going to bless her this new year!

I had our other friend, Chris, drive me back to the hotel when I was done. What is funny is he has not seen Pastor Paul for quite some time. So he began asking me how Paul and each one of his children were doing. As I gave him a report of each one I said, “Seems funny that I am the one updating you on how people here in Uganda are doing! He got a good laugh out of that!

The conference on Monday went very well. Amazing Grace Worship Center is a small church in Bukaya. Pastor Richard, Godfrey and I were able to spend a good amount of time before the meeting started sharing about the church. They have a congregation of about 75-100 people. He had amazing stories about how the hand of God has been upon them.

This church loves our children at Raining Hope Children’s Home. They have adopted the children as their own. In fact, this year this church has decided to give their 10% tithe to the work of our home! They truly believe in ministries becoming self-sustainable, not just relying on money coming from America. They believe the Lord is leading them to invest in this way towards the home. Praise the Lord!

Please be in prayer for the conference. We know great things are going to happen. The enemy is trying to distract us. Godfrey is the first speaker and I close the meeting. On the first day, as soon as Godfrey had stepped down from the podium, his daughter, Jemimah came to talk with him. He stepped out for a few moments with her. Annet had also left a few minutes before Godfrey.

Just as I was to being presented to speak, Godfrey came to tell me that Jael, their 2 year old daughter had wandered off. To put your mind at ease, I will give you the end of the story first, she was found. They were all out searching for her. He told me to continue and he would be back. Imagine, I am just about to speak, knowing that one of our children was missing. I was momentarily at a loss.

I had the pastor pray before we went any further. As soon as we said, “amen” Godfrey walked in with Jael in his arms! The lost had been found.

Things are much different here in Africa as I see young children like this all the time walking by themselves or with a sibling. But even Godfrey said, “But not my child, Lord.”

The enemy tried to cause confusion but was not successful. But it confirmed to us that God is going to do something great in our midst. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to share God’s Word this week.

An amazing thing happened after we left on Monday. Pastor Richard shared that a person who was possessed entered the church. They prayed over him to be released from the evil spirit. In that time, there was also a group of people from another faith that entered. Fifteen of these people accepted Jesus as their Savior! Praise the Lord!

We have prayed that God’s Holy Spirit would hover over the church the entire week like a “cloud by day” and “fire by night.” It was so exciting to hear when we started the conference yesterday what God had done the night before! God never slumbers! He is always at work!

By time I reach the hotel at night it is about 8 pm. I have been falling asleep as soon as I hit the room! My pattern is I wake up at 3 am to continue studying for the conference. So between 4 pm-8 pm California time is a great time to remember me in your prayers as I study!

It has only been six months since I was here last. Yet so much seems to have changed. For those that have traveled here with me before, I know you can picture these scenes:

There is a brand new clock tower like one in Kampala at the round a bout at the edge of Jinja town!

The local market in Jinja has been relocated! They apparently are building a new “mall” in the old location. The “temporary” market is just around the corner.

“Indulge” one of our favorite restaurants in town is no longer there! I know that will make Brandi & Kurt (our couple who stayed in Uganda for 5 months for us) very sad! Kurt...no more milkshakes!

Farida, the housekeeping manager is now the front desk manager!

Because of the new dam that is built on the Nile, Bujagali Falls in now an area of very still water. There is no longer the roaring rapids we have been amazed by. We knew that when the dam was built this day was coming. So my CBU ISP team of 2011 was the last team to experience Bujagali Falls. That is the saddest of the changes that I have seen.

More of the children at Raining Hope are starting to come home! By the end of the week, most of them should be back. We will then have our New Year’s celebration as a family!

Please keep Godfrey & I in your prayers the rest of the week. The times are 3 pm-7 pm, but we are running on Ugandan time. It is actually more like 4 pm-8 pm (5 am-9 am PST). We have a time of worship & prayer. Godfrey speaks first and I follow him and close the session.

We are both sharing about being “chosen.” I am focusing on being daughters & sons of the King. Today I am sharing about Jesus feeding the 5000. I was just listening to the song that I am going to share, “Blessed & Broken.” The song talks about how Jesus takes 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish yet feeds over 5000 with it! The little boy first wonders, “Is it enough?”

On Monday when I was in town, a young boy came up to me who I have seen many times. He said he was hungry. Unlike others, he didn’t ask me for money. He asked if I would buy him some bread. This was actually the first time that I took one of the street kids into a store and purchased food. We bought 2 loaves of bread & 2 boxes of juice. He told me that he was going to share it with his friends. I thought of this young boy as I listened to the song. The needs here in Uganda are so huge. There are many people that are hungry. Will two loaves be enough to feed who know how many people he was going to share with. Five loaves were enough when blessed by Jesus.

Your prayer support & financial support is helping to feed the multitudes. Thank you.

Our theme is 1 Peter 2:9,  “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  you are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 

1 Samuel 12:16 , “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.”    
