Monday, August 3, 2015

Chapter 20 - Update #4 - August 1, 2015

Thursday morning Godfrey joined me at the hotel with the electrician to talk about the work that needs to be done on the wall.  We are installing light posts all around the compound which will add to the security and add even more beauty to the wall!   We are blessed because this electrician is a friend of Godfrey’s and a believer.  I am learning so much about how things works and why people can so easily be taken advantaged of.  Godfrey knows what the fair prices are.  A lot of the cheating that goes on is when it comes to the labor.  There is a percentage that is charged that is the same across the board.  So many contractors will up the price of the materials so their labor percentage is higher.  By working with people that Godfrey knows, we are getting fair prices and not being cheated.  I also am thankful that we have made the decision to let the Ugandans do the work.  They have been doing an excellent job and we are helping to provide needed work for these men to provide for their families.  This electricians name is Geoffrey and he has been so thankful for providing him with this work. 

The van needed to have some repairs as well.  They were minor but with the storm and the many pot holes we encounter, some maintenance was required.   Since the van was in the shop, Godfrey and I took boda boda’s to town.    I think that is the first time that Godfrey had been with me that we had done that together.  At one point I looked back at him and he was video taping me!  Later he said, “I was so surprised because you were sitting on the boda like an African! (sides saddle)  I told him that wearing a dress I have to do that.  He said, “I don’t know if I can...I would be too scared!” 

Godfrey then went on to pick up the van and I did some of our shopping.  I stopped at my fabric shop to purchase some cloth from my friend.  I was surprised to find that she had a wedding invitation waiting for me!  She is getting married on August 28th.  While I will already be home, it was an honor to be invited to such an affair.  I have also been invited to attend another wedding on August 8th but it is the same day as our Dedication for the house.  It is a good thing that the team had not yet left California because I wrote to Kelly and had her pick up two wedding cards for me! 
I continued shopping as I waited on Godfrey.  But while he was out he got a phone call that the girl who was not doing yesterday again was sick.  He went to pick her up and brought Jonathan with him.  We went to the market to continue with our shopping.  What has been great is watching the older children take up more responsibilities.  At one point we parked in front of the central market area.  We would tell Jonathan what was needed in each place.  I watched him remember long lists of food that Godfrey would verbally instruct him.  Godfrey even said, “Do you want to write it down?”  He said, “No, I can do it.”  We gave him money and off he went.  In the mean time, I would talk to our student about what was ailing her.   She was so weak from not eating, all she could do was nod her head.  At one point Godfrey went out of the van to go find her something to drink and eat.  In those moments, she finally opened up about something very specific that was a concern.  It was only a few words but as Godfrey returned he was surprised at what she said.  It turns out that information was key to what happened that evening. 

After that, she began to eat the things that Godfrey had given her.  We watched her gain strength, smile and talk all the way home to Jonathan.  That night, during the evening devotions, I signed a song, “Exhale”  by Plumb.   Here are the words...

"Exhale" - Plumb

It's okay to not be okay - This is a safe place - This is a safe place
Don't be afraid - Don't be ashamed
There's still hope here - There's still hope here

No matter what you've done or who you are - Everyone is welcome His arms

Just let go let His love wrap around you - And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender - Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale - Exhale

Spirit come tear down the walls
That only You can - That only You can
Reconcile this heart to Yours
Right now God - Right now

Just let go let His love wrap around you - And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender - Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale - Exhale

Oh God We breathe in your grace - We breathe in your grace
And exhale - Oh God we do not exist for us
But to share Your grace and love - And exhale

Oh God We breathe in your grace - We breathe in your grace
And exhale - Oh God we do not exist for us
But to share Your grace and love - And exhale

Just let go let His love wrap around you - And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender - Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale - Exhale - Exhale - Exhale - Exhale

I had our student who had been so sick sit in the middle of the room as we were going to pray for her after I was done.  But after I finished the song, as we went over to her and began to talk about praying for her, she began to faint and fall on the ground.  What happened for the next hour or so was she was completely delivered from the things that had been keeping her captive.  Immediately as Godfrey led in this time of deliverance,  the children all began singing praise and worship songs.  As some of us held her and continued praying, I watch the Lord move in a way that I will not forget.  Our children are a family.  When one hurts, four or five others jump to help.  In this case, we all surrounded the one that needed us.  It was significant that I was here alone to be a part of this.  We became stronger as a family as we fought for her and with her.  It was a beautiful picture of the body of Christ.  I love my children so much.   As soon as we finished, it began to rain.  I walked out and stood in the rain for awhile just letting God’s blessings fall all over me.

After this time of deliverance, she slowly began to gain more strength.  As we were all served supper, I had Henry come to me to share about some conversations he was having at school.  He has been evangelizing at school talking about Jesus to his friends.  He told me that tomorrow he was going to talk to them more and wanted some advice about it.  He is talking to one who has questions about the Bible.  The other is a Muslim that has very deep questions.  It just was the bonus on top of an already amazing night to see how our children are out there EXCITED about telling people about Jesus! 

These are the children of Raining Hope.  This is the ministry that you help support.  These children are who God is using to change the world. 

I am an extremely proud mum.

mama eydie kisakye 

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