Raining Hope Incorporated
Chapter 11 – Update #6
January 5, 2011!
Today was another day of watching God work in mysterious ways! I had a very amazing moment with God this morning. I went out onto my balcony before getting ready for the day. As I looked out to the right I can see the Nile River. Something that caught my eye was the ground next door. It looked like the neighbor was getting ready to plant some sort of crop. But closer look showed me he was getting ready to build. I did find out that it is true. He will build a 2 story building that will block the view of the Nile.
But in the midst of the momentary sadness, I looked up in the sky to the left and saw just a single cloud in a cloudless sky. At the top of the cloud there was light radiating. Then I thought I saw a flash of lightening. There was no rain or no thunder. I thought my eyes were seeing things. I again waited and started praying. Then there was confirmation with another flash of lightening. I had such an amazing time alone with the Lord. It was a “burning bush” experience like those in the days of Moses. God revealed much to me in those moments as answers to prayer for this visit.
I encourage you to read Exodus 3 & 4 again. Even though it is a familiar story it spoke to me in new ways. It causes me to want to wake up in the morning and rush out to meet God! I challenged our children at the home last night during devotion with this message.
The day I arrived at the home, they were all waiting with great anticipation. When I asked them how they felt as they waited for me they said they were excited. They were full of happiness and joy. They wanted to see me. I expressed that I am thankful for how much they love me! But we have a God who loves us even more and waits with great anticipation for us to meet him everyday! He loves to communicate with His children! He wants us to come to him daily in the same way!
So, after morning devotions I went to the business center to work on the computer. The wireless network is finally working in specific areas of the hotel! Amen! But during the day I will still work in the business center with my computer to sit with my friend, Apophia! Staff will come in and out of the room as well. This morning I met John the Baptist! Ha! Really! He was sitting quietly working on his computer. He was observing the staff come in the room and greet me. He finally turned around and said, “You know a lot of people!” He said, “And what do you do?” After sharing about the ministry, I asked his name. You can imagine the look on my face when he said, “John the Baptist.” I even said to him, “really?” He said that some call him “JB!” Really!
Solomon & I went to town to do a little shopping. We always go to specific shops that I have made friends with. The one we visited today was on the opposite side of the street from the Source Café. It is also next to a restaurant we frequent, “Ozzie’s.” We tried to eat lunch there the other day and it was closed. We found that very odd. But today when we saw it was closed again, we became concerned that something had happened to the owner. As I acquired around we found out she was just on holiday and should open back up soon!
Thank you for your prayers for Jonathan. We went to buy medicine for malaria. But when I asked how he was doing, Solomon said, “He is already doing better. He is fine now!” When I saw him later that afternoon, he was doing extremely well compared to yesterday…all before we gave him the medicine! Praise God!
For Kurt Hennigan…we had our chocolate chip milkshakes at Indulge! We always think of you and Brandi when we go to the restaurant, Indulge! We had another God encounter in the restaurant. While one of the ladies, Millie, was making the shake, I noticed her t-shirt mentioned something about mosquito nets at affordable prices. I asked her about the organization that was represented on the shirt. She said, “Yes I can get nets for you for 3000 shillings.” I thought I had heard wrong and said, “What?” I went to get Solomon so we could talk with her about the purchase of nets. With the move to the new house, we were in need of at least 25 nets. When Millie told him they were 3000 shillings each, he also said, “What, come again.” You see, mosquito nets normally sell for 20,000 shillings (about $10). The price they are selling them for is only about $1.50 each! They are a ministry providing a service to the community. Instead of $500 it will only cost us $37.50! This can only be explained by the miraculous. God is good. God is good.
Before going to the home, we were invited to the home of Andrew, one of the staff at the hotel. He and his wife, Rachel just had twin girls. Their names…Mary & Martha! Just before we arrived at their home, Andrew said, “I have not told my wife that we are coming. I want you to surprise her!” I said, “Ok, does she even know that I am in town?” He said, “No, I wanted it all to be a surprise!” Ha! She was so shocked when we walked in the house!
We had such a nice time of fellowship. The babies were asleep, so they woke them up so I could meet them. They are so precious! Rachel had some difficulties during the pregnancy, so it was as if I were holding miracles in my arms. Andrew said the doctor still calls them to ask if Rachel really is ok. The doctor can’t understand what happened. Rachel’s blood type caused a condition that almost required her to go through a series of shots. She had become bedridden for a short time. Just before they were to go through the process of the expensive treatments, they took one more blood test. Amazingly and mysteriously, her blood type changed! Seems impossible but we serve an amazing God. She became well and had no more complications. The babies were born healthy and she is fine.
I held Mary until she went back to sleep. Just before she dozed off, I felt the wetness come through her blanket and realized that she was not wearing any diapers. Most babies here do not wear diapers. I just held her until her mother took her before we left. When I said, “she is wet” they said, “sorry!” But Andrew said, “You know, in Uganda, we say that when a baby wets you, you are blessed!” Boy, then I was REALLY BLESSED A LOT! Ha ha!
Their son, Sean who is about 16 months old woke up from his nap. Apparently, after I left he said, “Aunty Muzungu was here!” When I was talking to Mrs. Otile later, she said that Sean calls her “Mama Paradise!” Mrs. Otile is the owner of the Hotel Paradise! She said that at church Sean calls the pastor “Hallelujah!” It is so cute how he associates names with places or positions. They told me that Sean has different names according to where he is. At church he is known as Obama. That is because when he was born, Obama was a huge craze here in Uganda. At the hotel, some call him Clint. That is because of a missionary’s son who has the name Clint. Around their house & at home he is known as Sean. Pretty interesting!
Another tradition that I was introduced to was when Andrew served us some soda. We said, “It is ok, you do not need to do that.” Andrew said, “In Uganda we have a saying. If you don’t take a drink, you don’t come back!” Solomon added what he has heard. “If you go to a house and leave hungry, you do not return!” Talk about hospitality! They take it very seriously! So we had our drinks and are welcomed and encouraged to come back!
While at the home I was able to go through supplies. When we moved we threw all of our art supplies and games in the suitcases. They have remained that way until I arrived. It was nice to organize everything and put them in the cabinets. With the new house we have a lot of storage space in the room Solomon is using.
During the devotion time, Godfrey showed up to spend time with us. As he listened to me share with the children that night about being excited to meet God in the morning, he was amazed. He said that this morning God confirmed the same messages. God showed him clouds today too and showers of blessings to come.
When we went back to the hotel to have dinner, tonight it was VERY SLOW FOOD! It was so slow that the two of them had to have the food packed to “take away.”
We are experiencing His abundant peace! He has kept us safe! He is raining down His hope and joy.
Prayer Requests:
1) We are accomplishing a lot. With only a few days left, continue to pray we utilize the time well.
2) Solomon & I will be meeting with schools and looking at the needed funds for school fees. Pray for a smooth transition and for the needed funds. The first term is always more expensive as we need to buy new uniforms, supplies, etc.
3) We are coming to the solution to the managing of the home issue. Continue to pray God gives us the final confirmation. God is good.
4) We are still trying to work out the schedule to visit the land before I leave. Robert’s schedule has been full and he still is recovering from his illness. Pray that God makes the way possible.
5) Praise the Jonathan has been healed! Praise that we will soon get new mosquito nets.
6) Pray I continue to have my alone moments with God to seek His direction and discernment.
Our children send their greetings and love to you!
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