Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 18 - Update #8 - January 24, 2015

I know you were expecting a post from Maryland...but God had other plans.  I am actually still in Uganda.  Obviously He was not done with me here yet.  On Friday the traffic jams on the road were terrible. Apparently, Fridays are the same as Fridays in the Los Angeles area...terrible!   Godfrey knows his way around many of them, but still we missed check-in by only 10 minutes.  I worked with Emirates yet they said the earliest they can get me out is Monday.  I know that there is a reason for all of this.  There is a penalty fee of $600 for the missed flight.  They tried to upgrade me to a flight on Sunday but that was another $800 plus the penalty.  So I decided to wait it out until Monday.  The only problem was that Carol and her family were waiting to receive me for a few days before flying back to California. Thankfully I was able to contact her before they went to try and get me!   But already I have seen God work in helping me accomplish things that I could not get done before leaving.   Plus, the hotel here rallied around me when I came back that night.  The owners of the hotel are good friends. They were not only overjoyed but they began taking care of me in ways that blew me away.  They showed what the word “family” means.  Even those here that I don’t know well treated me with such love.  I truly felt like a princess being loved and taken care of.  The lesson of being the daughter of the King became visible that night as this hotel loved me with the love of Jesus.   I felt God was just wrapping his arms around me.    They have told me that they are taking care of all of my meals while I am delayed here.    I really see the hand of God in all of this. When I got back  the internet was down and I couldn't get the word out that I didn't get on the flight.  Thank you for praying...even though I was not yet on that flight.  Continue praying that I would be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as I discern why this happened.  It excites me to be presented with this shift in plans...and just to follow Him where He leads.  It was strange that no one really knew where I was when i couldn't get on the internet.  But God knew and He has a plan!!!   Also know that there are always those out there who can hack emails. 

Just know that you will not receive any emails from me telling you that I am stuck and to send money to help.  One year someone hacked my email and said I was stuck in the Philippines and to send money to some odd place.   I don't need anything sent...I am working with Carol John on what is needed to get me home.  If you have questions please feel free to contact her.  Just don't fall for any hackers who might try to tell you otherwise.  I am doing fine and waiting for what God wants me to do next! 
I am reading a devotional book, “Reckless Devotion” by Heidi & Rolland Baker.  When I got stuck here for a few more days, I sat and began reading.  The book actually opened to a day that is ahead of my reading.  But when I saw the title, “Stuck” I thought there may be something in it that God wanted me to hear.   The devotion was about the time a terrible cyclone hit Mozambique.  This couple are missionaries that have served in this area.  When the cyclone hit they were in a nice, comfortable boat in a different area with friends having a great time.  But then they began getting phone calls from their sons that everyone was in trauma.  Three hundred and sixty churches had been wiped out by the floodwaters.  Heidi said, “I was on a nice boat, but I did not want to be on that boat.  My people were suffering, and I wanted to go to them so badly I would have flown right there if I had wings....What do you do when you are stuck?  You can flail your fists at the wind, cry and get more and more agitated.  But all that does is make you like a fly caught on a spider’s web.  The more you struggle, the worse you get stuck, really fast. 

Paul wrote, “This is my prayer; that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best,” (Philippians 1:9-10, emphasis added).  

What is best? When you are stuck, the best thing you can do is ask your loving Father, What is best?  There is no point trying to get off a boat if you are meant to be on it.  Maybe the very thing you are stuck in is His will.  Then you find joy in doing what you are meant to do - even if you have a ‘better’ idea. 

God told me to finish the assignment He had given me, to stay on the boat.  Don’t get in the way of God’s glory.  Don’t stop short. Fix your eyes on Him. Trust His love.  I pray your love may about more and more so you will know God and will be able to discern what is best - so you will know in your heart what He wants you to do and will trust Him to do what only He can do.”  

I was amazed as I read this.  I knew when I got stuck that God was not finished with my work here yet.  I have learned to trust Him when things happen like this.  I spoke to Pastor Ken here yesterday as he was shocked when he saw me in our van!  He confirmed this truth as well.  When we are faced with situations as I am in right now, 1. We don’t know what God is saving us from.  2) God has a reason for why He wants us to stay in the situation we are in.  I love the way Heidi said, “There is no point trying to get off a boat if you are meant to be on it.” 

I actually said something to Robert about this being an expensive lesson to learn because of the cost of airline ticket.  Robert said, “Sometimes there is a cost in serving Christ.  But it will all be worth it when we see what He does.”  My friend here at the hotel, Cathy, came to my room to bring food to me from the Otile family.  As she is lavishing me with care, she said, “No worries about the cost.  I will pray that will cover your lost ticket and you will receive a DOUBLE portion.”  I love the faith of my friends here.  God just kept pouring lessons into my heart as I walked through the shock of having missed the flight.  

I actually became excited because I wanted to see what God would do with the few days that I was held back.  Excited!

I may be stuck...but I am not alone.  HE is in the boat with me and His is navigating and steering.  I am just going to sit in the boat and let Him lead.   I know it is going to be a grand adventure! 

I will send another update...just wanted you to know that I was gloriously stuck and loving every moment! 

mama eydie kisakye! 

Prayer Request: 

Please pray that my ticket works out the leave tomorrow (Monday).  I need to connect in Dubai and arrive in Washington DC on Tuesday.   They are still trying to sort it all out so please join me in prayer that I will accomplish all that was unfinished and then get on the plane tomorrow! 

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