Christmas is only a few days away! We are currently just under $40,000 towards our $120,000 goal! We need at least $60,000 to move into the new home in January. By faith, I booked a flight to Uganda leaving January 14, 2015 believing that we will have all we need. This trip will be January 14-23, 2015 specifically to move into the new house and set up our shift in ministry. Godfrey has already been visiting all our families and the potential schools. I am excited to see the new things that are exploding around us come together to bring glory to God!
I have been listening to a lot of Christmas music this week in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus! A song by Israel Houghton, “Least of These / Put a LIttle Love in Your Heart” has me filled with joy. You can google the title of this song and find it to actually listen to it. It is on the “Timeless Christmas” CD by Israel Houston, New Breed. But here are some of the words...
“In the land of the free
There's more than enough
Dreams become reality
But not for everyone
In the home of the brave
Hear the song of liberty
Yet we still have slaves whose
Master is Hunger and poverty
For those who lack
We have a reason for giving back
This Christmas season
Make a decision for love
Love to least of these
True generosity
Is the heart of Christmas
Love love to the least of these
Everyone has a key
To unlock somebody's dream
So remember this holiday
Someone has made a way
For you to receive
So give to the least of these
Make a decision for love
What you've done for the least of these
You've done for me
Think of your fellow man
Lend him a helping hand
Put a little love in your heart
You want the world to know
We won't let hatred grow
Put a little love in your heart
And the world will be a better place
For you and me
You just wait and see
Put a little love in your heart
Everybody put a little love in your heart.”
Continue to pray for us this Christmas as we continue to help the dreams of the children of Raining Hope become reality! As you consider Christmas gifts this season & year end giving, we would love if you would participate in “The Ugandan Dream!” Let’s make this a Christmas the children will always remember!
Christmas Blessings,
We wanted to make you aware that WePay charges Raining Hope a small processing fee for online donations. This is standard practice for all credit cards and payment services. We accept that as part of our cost of accepting credit cards.
If you prefer for Raining Hope to receive 100% of your donation, you may write a check.
Please specify that the gift is for the house purchase.
We will add your gift to the online total.
Thanks so much for all of your support!
You can send your donation via check to:
Raining Hope, c/o Poinsettia Pavilion - 3451 Foothill Rd. #206, Ventura CA 93003
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