Saturday, August 28, 2010

Raining Hope Uganda Trip August 8-23,2010

Update #6
My meeting with the landlord went better than we could have asked or thought. I watched God do amazing things right in front of my eyes! There is a long story behind this that i will email tomorrow.

The short version is that we have been leasing this property that the children's home is on. We have been having troubles for a long time with the owner. They have been very patient with us as we have been behind on our rent. We are slowly making that up. The amount owed for rent is close to $1500. But they have added on additional costs that they are counting as wear and tear on the property. We can not leave the premises without taking care of the cost. That is approximately $3,500 plus replacing the pit latrine.

I wish you could have been here to experience the miracle that took place in our meeting. the landlord's daughter came to meet with me instead of the father. Praise the Lord! Solomon, myself and the daughter all met and had a very good meeting. In good faith we have agreed to pay her $5,000 and move as soon as possible.

We have so many things happening here that God is providing. He already has led us to a place to rent that will be much cheaper than what we currently pay. We would like to move by the end of this month.

The reason for this email is for prayer. God answered your prayers for the outcome of the meeting.

Second is in order for us to leave the house...I am in need of $5,000 to do so. We would like to borrow the money and pay it back quickly. It is hard to describe in an email how much we need to get out from under the landlord's hand. We would appreciate any help than anyone can give to us.

If you can help with a loan, please either contact Carol John or Devo Marshall or email me back. We are sorry to give such a last minute request. I would especially appreciate your prayers.

We have the promised land ahead of us. We are trying to leave Egypt.

Blessings & peace to you!

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