Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Chapter 21 - January 14-26, 2016 - Update #1

Just a word...
The updates are long...hard to shorten the words with all that needs to be shared so you can experience in part what I am seeing and walking through.  I do write as a journal & I am sharing from my heart.   In the past,  I tried to shorten it by doing almost bullet points for those who desired for them to not be so long.  But I had more people ask me what happened to the longer reports.  I know we all have different tastes and have our email boxes full of things to read.  I tried this time to at least put in bold main points if you just want to scan through.  Please read what you can...grab a cup of coffee and read it as you would read a chapter in a book.  I would love if as you read you would pray and praise God as you invest the time to read.   Also, feel free to send a quick email response to let me know your thoughts and how the words are effecting you. It encourages me to hear your words too!

At any time of the journey, please feel free to email me with your own prayer requests.  We pray each evening and multiple times during the day.  We will remember you and your requests at the home.   Now on to Chapter 21

Raining Hope Service Project - Chapter 21 - January 13, 2016 - Update #1
For those who may be new to my updates, I have titled each trip by chapters.  This is my 21st trip to Uganda since my first journey January 2007!   I can’t quite believe that in 9 years I have traveled to this place that I now call my Ugandan home 20 times with number 21 starting tomorrow!

The last journey was a great celebration!  We dedicated the new house that the Lord provided for Raining Hope on August 8, 2015!  In just a short 5 months, we were able to complete the renovations on the boy’s quarters!  I am looking forward to seeing the difference from then to now! 

Raining Hope is hosting a conference at the house January 20-22, 2016 from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm each evening (Ugandan time approximate)!  Pastor Godfrey will be preaching and I will be sharing on prayer.  Saturday, January 23rd we will have a time of officially opening the finished house.  Even though there are still needs with painting and furnishings, the renovations of the boy’s quarters gives us completed rooms for our office, nursing station & sleeping rooms.  Praise the Lord!   Saturday evening we will have our Christmas/New Year/Birthday celebration to thank the Lord for all He has done.

Sunday, January 24th we will launch our outreach ministry at the home.  I then will fly out on Monday, January 25th.  I will make a stopover in Maryland to visit with Carol John.  This is a good time of debrief for me and easing back into the country.  It allows us to also take care of Raining Hope business face to face especially right after a trip. 

Here is my travel schedule if you could remember me in your prayers.

Emirates EK 216
Depart Los Angeles         Thursday, January 14       3:35 pm
Arrive Dubai                    Friday, January 15            7:35 pm        
Duration of Flight             16 hours

Emirates EK 729
Depart Dubai                    Saturday, January 16        9:15 am
Arrive Entebbe Uganda    Saturday, January 16        1:30 pm
Duration of Flight              5 hours 15 minutes
Emirates EK 730
Depart Entebbe                 Monday, January 25         3:30 pm
Arrive Dubai                     Monday, January 25         9:35 pm
Duration of Flight              5 Hours 5 minutes
Emirates EK 231
Depart Dubai                     Tuesday, January 26        2:20 am
Arrive Washington DC      Tuesday, January 26        8:15 am
Duration of Flight               14 hours 55 minutes

United UA 632
Depart Washington DC     Wednesday, February 3    12:30 pm
Arrive Los Angeles            Wednesday, February 3     3:30 pm
Duration of Flight               6 hours

We also have a separate list of friends and supporters who are a part of our Raining Hope Prayer team.  That team receives a list each month from Camille Small, our Prayer Coordinator.  If you would like to be added to the prayer team, please respond to this email and I will pass your email to Camille.  I am so thankful for this important ministry of Raining Hope and how God is using Camille and her husband, Keenan in this foundation of our work. 

Here are some specific prayer requests as I prepare to leave tomorrow:
1)  Safe travel 

2)  Pray as I prepare to share in the conference and the launch of our outreach ministry.  My focus is specifically on prayer as I use the War Room materials.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to guide and direct me to share what He has put on my heart.  Pray for hearts to be open to hear the gospel.  Pray for the launch of the outreach ministry.  It has already begun.  The kids are more excited than ever to share the gospel.  I can sense the building up of the event every time Godfrey writes to me.  Pray that God would be glorified.  I anticipate the Holy Spirit working in ways that will blow us all away!    A dear friend prayed for me at my church on Sunday.  At the end of her prayer she simply said, “It is time.  It is time.”  Those simple words carry a huge message.  Something is happening that is unexplainable in human terms.  We want to be explained by the miraculous because the only explanation is GOD.   We are watching God at work and we are simply joining Him.  Praise the Lord! 

3)  Pray for the rest of the funds to come in so I will be able to freely take care of needs at Raining Hope while I am there. 

4)   Pray for the need for sound equipment.  It is needed for the conference & new outreach ministry.  This will be an on going weekly outreach ministry so it is needed beyond the week conference.   We trust God’s timing and His provision. 

We thank Him in advance for what He is going to do in and through the children of Raining Hope. 
A special note regarding those who sponsor children...
If you sponsor a child, could you write a note of encouragement to your child and email it to me at    It is not too late.  I am taking a printer with me and will print your letter while I am there.  It means the world to the children to hear directly from you as their sponsor.  

I am encouraging all others who want to write to the Raining Hope children to write one letter addressed to the home.  I am taking those notes of encouragement and running off one for each child.  That way everyone will get a letter.  They love to hear from you.  We were getting multiple letters from pen pals at multiple locations.  As we grow, we wanted to continue to develop relationships but in a way that is God’s best for the kids.  

We have purchased “War Room Study Books” for all of the children.  I will be having a discipleship time each evening with the children using this material.  I am going to give each one a book on behalf of their sponsors as a Christmas gift.  I was able to get them at a discount so they only cost $5 each.   Special thanks to Family Christian Stores for the discount which allowed us to buy 30 copies.  It helps for us to give the children the same gift. 

I will write once I arrive in Uganda on Saturday.  I will be 11 hours ahead of you.  The internet has been improving each time I go.  But if there are times that you don’t hear it will probably be because the internet is down. 

While I am traveling, if you have any questions regarding Raining Hope, feel free to contact Carol John, Raining Hope treasurer at 805-377-7387 or .  She will always know where I am and what is needed.  

More from Uganda!  
mama eydie kisakye 

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