Wednesday was an exciting day for us! Brandi & Kurt were baptized in Lake Victoria! It was an experience that was beyond compare. We went to the shores of Lake Victoria. Amber, Tiffany & Makaila boarded a boat to witness the baptism which would be just off the shore. Godfrey walked out on the sand to a place in the water. Our good friend, Pastor Vincent, joined us to assist in the baptism. He came one by one and led first Kurt, then Brandi, then myself to the baptismal waters. As first Kurt was baptized and then Brandi…it was a privilege to be a part of this ordinance of our Lord. As Godfrey said, “if I could be baptized twice, I would have wanted to be baptized again today!” Amen! As we went back to shore and held hands to pray…the very loud thunder resonated in the sky. After praying, Kurt said, “did you hear that thunder!” Even more amazing was as Connie was back in the room resting one more day, she said later “Did you hear that thunder? It was so powerful. I knew at that moment that Kurt & Brandi must have just been baptized!” We heard His voice in a very tangible way.
Connie has been healed! She is up and around...moving slowly...but healed in Jesus name! Last night we had our devotion time and I introduced Connie because she was back. There was a thunder of praise because she was a symbol of God's healing power and answered prayer!
We were not able to be at the computer the past 2 days with our schedule. Today we are on our way to Kampala to meet the landlord again...and Mukono to pray over Godfrey's new home. Our friend, Solomon will be joining us today.
God has been good and there is so much to share!
On our way to morning devotions. Just wanted to let you know that all is well!
1) Today we will go to Kampala to be with the landlord. We will first go to Mukono where Godfrey is moving with his family to start a new church. The rest of the team will be with Godfrey’s wife, Irene and their 2 children as they wait for us to finish our meeting.
2) Pray as our time is getting short. We have a lot to accomplish in the next 3 days. Pray that we listen to God and obey where he says to move.
3) Pray as we begin the process of leaving. I will be ministering to the team about the reverse culture shock that occurs in reentering our society.
4) Pray for the children of Living Hope that their focus remain on God & not on the team. We began that process last night...that as we leave it has not been about us…all about Him! He is the one that remains with them…so be strong & courageous!
5) Pray for Brandi & Kurt as we they prepare to engage in the culture as the team leaves.
6) We minister to Revival Christian Center on Sunday before leaving for the airport. Pray for our ministry to the children there.
7) Pray for safety as we fly home on Sunday.
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